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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Intel’s Clear Sans.

    IBM’s Plex, I’m particularly partial to their condensed sans.

    Fira Sans is a good generic recommendation, their mono is again worth considering.

    Adobe’s Source family (sans, serif, mono) is another inoffensive, safe choice.

    erewhon is a modern workhorse serif that pairs well with all the sans fonts above. It’s derived from Adobe’s Utopia, which is used in quite a few newspapers (clear and legible without taking too much space).

    STIX Two was specifically designed to replace Times New Roman in scientific + mathematical publications, if you’re looking for a font that’s different but familiar to Times New Roman, I could not recommend it enough.

    Charis SIL was originally designed for laser printers and later modified for use in linguistics, it’s essentially a serif version of Verdana (same designer too). As with all the other fonts mentioned, very broad character set support.

    The TeX font catalogue is a treasure trove in general.

    Edit: almost forgot, the Libertinus family also comes recommended for a more ‘professional’ look.