Exactly. They came prepared, organised, with meticulous plans and goals. Trump is a figure for the masses, but administration behind him is a behemoth.
Exactly. They came prepared, organised, with meticulous plans and goals. Trump is a figure for the masses, but administration behind him is a behemoth.
Not just Trump. He’s not so smart either. But the administration behind him and conservative think tank behind him. They are certailny aware how dumb is large portion of voting population and how little they need to be manipulated into thinking of “so much victory”.
speaking of old times, wasn’t winamp’s genre dropdown menu had ‘primus’ sticking among all other genres, suggesting how special primus are?
fuck, this is accurate. i recognized myself in everything you wrote. (age 50ies)
it’s the other way around. that shitty gummy piece of crap on ethernet cables is annoying as fuck, and i even haven’t had to plug it into network equipement that can be reset with it. but to reach the connector tooth under it often turns into a fight with gummy shitty ‘protector’ so i not once reached for scissors and cut that shit away.
feel the pain of work environment where you cannot add any addons.
the most clicked No Thanks button in my environement.
accusations from conservatives are projection of themselves.
keyword filtering.
conservatives like to squeek “that’s against god’s will” but when conservative needs a heart stent or pacemaker to keep him alive, then god’s will is not an issue. when conservative needs a kidney transplant, cancer treatment, or even glasses - there’s no questioning against how god created their bodies.
as always, there’s no biblical preachings when their asses and their life comfort are in question.
same here. few years ago ditched the nvidia card for amd and made my life rasier. wayland on fedora all the way, no issues. but i guess i’m completely different type of user.
they were sour about everything covid related. it was all made up, it wasn’t real, but china made it, masks were problem, they couldn’t breathe, secret cabala, fascism, vaccinations was bill gates’s genocide chip implating for mind control.
they insisted on all kinds of nonsense because they didn’t believe it, as they are neck-deep in conspiracy theories and delusion.
large number of conservative/rightwing blabbering about others, pointing fingers and blaming various imagionary boogiemen, with time somehow manages to endup as their projection. it’s becoming a rule.
i remember rightwingers, the same who praise elon musk lately, screamed for months about implanting chips during covid vaccinations. oh the irony.
i know it is. i wonder what other group members suggests, as fun quite possibly continues past the op.
Aside imbecile posting that, what are ‘Friends in law’ suggesting to the OP? The rabbit hole continues with more dumb proposals?
commodore 64 with tape drive. later i got 5.25 floppy drive for it, which was the size of C64 itself.
then amiga, which i sold later to get money for my first intel/dos based pc (486dx2), but i regret selling that amiga to this day.