Moon hummus…
Moon hummus…
Conversation in a future space Starbucks: Me: “I’d like a triple grande, soy, no foam latte in a to-go vulva.” Barista: “Yes sir…”
Conversation in my local Starbucks tomorrow: Me: “I’d like a triple grande, soy, no foam latte in a to-go vulva.” Barista: “Sir, I have a taser and pepper spray, if you leave now, I won’t call the cops.”
When I see how some women were treated in the 50’s, I get the feeling the scariest thing to many men would be a woman they couldn’t command.
Smashing Pumpkins: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
R.E.M. - Automatic for the people
Is it too much to ask for a Godzilla movie where he and king king go to a coffee shop and pretentiously sip stadium-sized espressos while animatedly discussing which philosophers would best perform a rail grind down the worlds longest handrail while whistling “Country Roads” by John Denver and juggling a piece of the original cross, the Loch Ness Monster’s kidney stone and a VHS tape containing the last remaining copy of a deleted scene from Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood where he laughs at a fart. 10/10 would watch.
HarmonyOS version “Tianamen 4 June 1989” is more efficient at reporting back to glorious communist overlords, quickly silencing anti-party sentiment and discovering more ingenious ways of denying human right violations and genocide. Must download today!
The Vespa 150 TAP, aka, Zoomy Ka-boomy
From the people who brought you the Walkie Talkie, presenting the new Scooty Shooty
Had a friend borrow a large sum of money from me. Yes, I did it. Yes, I was repaid on time.
Alright alright alright…
Social security will be bankrupt by 2033 according to their own estimates.
Somehow they expect to pay 80% benefits beyond that point.
Expect your income taxes to go up…and by a lot.
In 2020 banks charged $30,000,000,000 in fees. That’s 30 BILLION dollars! By comparison all Hollywood movies make about $11 billion total!
So, for every dollar Americans spent on going to the movies, they spent three on account fees, over draft fees etc.
Banks answer to their share holders. Share holders like money, so banks charge fees.
Bank is a four-letter word.
Do something about the problem. Take away their ability to steal money from people that don’t have it.
Switch to a credit union. Lower or zero fees. Credit unions answer to their members, I.e. account holders.
War, by its very nature is political. Probably war could be defined as “violent political disagreement”.
🎶your own….racoon…Jesus 🎶