I would argue that this culture would possibly be good to learn from them, first. It didn’t come to existence as some kind of social evolution, but was impressed by power.
Second, at least they are behind Europeans in the culture of genocide.
I would argue that this culture would possibly be good to learn from them, first. It didn’t come to existence as some kind of social evolution, but was impressed by power.
Second, at least they are behind Europeans in the culture of genocide.
Oh, so 200+ years ago it wasn’t so bad. LOL
Dunno if it’s interesting to you, but communists in Russia often say that it can only get democratic again when the “against all” variant is returned to ballots (CPRF is usually not considered something genuine).
I don’t see what this sort of blatant denialism is supposed to accomplish other than demonstrating in-group loyalty.
That loyalty is a goal in itself for people not knowing any better.
For others it’s a way to make Trump win.
What I don’t get is how RFK Jr is still seen as something worse than a senile man and a man with terminal stages of neurosyphilis. He just has brain damage and some overvalued ideas, very well known and clear. While these two are simply not functional.
But then maybe it’s good I live in another part of the world.
How can someone even expect him to not be senile at this age.
I can’t help but think it’s a coordinated campaign,
Social media with bots and shit allow for such, yes.
By the way, I don’t think the organizers of this campaign want Dems to win. They want Dems to lose.
It may not be seen from the US and the EU, but Trump’s presidency has helped quite a few disgusting things to start happening in various parts of the world, though they continued during Biden’s presidency.
In ex-USSR it was pretty intentional.
It is still a thing, but nobody wants to use it, because the flaws of other systems they want to use for themselves.
Starlancer was nice I think
Well, how can one speak about some thing’s author, the person who has built it from scratch, as of someone who can ruin it or not?
That said, it’s hard for me to read her in English, and I’ve read HP mostly in at least three translations to Russian, one official and two unofficial ones. The former sucks, and from the latter two the one which reads the best is by the least professional translator (actually she’s not a translator at all), and I mean Maria Spivak (the original one to circulate in the Runet and samizdat versions, not the abomination published much later).
It communicates the feeling of mad and a bit hooligan-ish fairy tale, I suspect that emotionally it’s the closest to the original.
Anyway, it’s pretty normal for an author to have a magnum opus and the rest of their works to just not make sense.
Some were standing before me, but TBH they likely had acquaintances working in one government embezzling money.
She’s not an idiot, but literally every other piece of writing she’s ever put out kinda slams the “smarter than most of humanity” line.
EDIT: accidental keypress
This happens and doesn’t mean that she
lucked into an amazing world that managed to remain a good story despite her writing, not because of it
, everyone who has, you know, actually created something knows that from experience.
Doesn’t quite cut it.
Now if there’s no other option or if the variant with Linux is labeled as “other” or “no OS”, and listed separately, normies still choose Windows 99% of cases. Sometimes they pirate it.
They should have a clear choice in the store from a few OSes with details. Summaries with screenshots will do.
I had some, but not anymore.
Man I’m gonna have to bite the bullet and make my next machine a linux one
Make a compressed backup and try with this one. You’ll feel good.
Life sentence. Solved.
I don’t like solving things with regulation, because that’s always a victory in one battle making the enemy stronger for all the following ones.
But doing this EU-style, like browser choice, only with operating systems, can be a solution.
People love cheap and easy things. That’s how social media won over normal web. Seeing the choice between “install Fedora for freeeeeee” and “install Windows for 20$” significant amount will choose the former.
I’ve been called a sovereign citizen as an insult, though I’m just a voluntarist (not sure if ancap or generic anarchist), and that sometimes was past the point of me saying
things like “Listen here you little shit”
but I’ll admit “the society” wasn’t persuaded. Though sometimes it felt that possibly more than half of the people present agreed, but were confident that the majority doesn’t.
It’s actually a very good propaganda strategy - even if most people disagree with you (as the bad guy), what’s important is that they believe that others agree and thus keep their heads down.
Windows 2000 was amazing, though. Something really inspiring belief in good corporations and bright capitalist future. LOL
Frugality is what powers evolution. These people don’t want evolution, they want to build a religion.
That’s in some sense getting back to the “open protocols” idea of ~2005, with federation and common identities. You’d still have 1) bothersome process of maintaining such a site, 2) problems how to find such, 3) an identity provider which can go down with your identity, like a Lemmy instance can.
It’s insufficient. Facebook and others have used an existing demand for a recommendation system and automatic moderation and search and all this junk.
I’m enthusiastic about Locutus.