Movie reference, hehehe
Movie reference, hehehe
If it’s in the Fediverse, you can talk to it and it might talk back. I love that ageless feature!
Use a form attached to a spreadsheet FTLoG! What a finicky way to dunce your job!
The Bible as a Manga series by non-Christians or Christians with no need to soap it over. Raw and gritty in the way it was originally described. Old Testament level action stories.
So people strangely know the entire Bible without a hint of religion being demanded. Post-theology, post-religion in a way that people might understand the idea of an egalitarian world coming out of an absolute quagmire.
I paid for Lynda.com, and it could have easily taken in more business if YouTube wasn’t working so hard for Google ads. There are a lot of paid (and free) services that suffer because of YouTubes ad-money business model.
Netflix could use the extra business. There are plenty of services failing to thrive while YouTube exists. Peertube would be wide open if YouTube went the way of most of Google’s stable of apps. PeerTube is wide open even if YouTube doesn’t go away anyway.
People genuinely hate ads. It’s a high degree of enshitification. YouTube could divide into paid content and free content in a simple Freemium model.
Or, add third tier with ads, which any user can opt out of in the same way contributers can. I’d be happy to click subscribe on an ad free experience with less content available to me.
Or, add an option for a couple of free tier items per month, week, or day. Like Medium’s business model.
It’s not hard to stop sucking!
So weird how they rarely count the body parts correctly.
I have a student joke, but I’m not ready to submit it
I have a gardener joke, but I’ll have to dig it up
I have a cleaner joke, but it’s a bit dirty
Putting people on autopilot. The MS way!
A lot of blind courage is also missing. People used to answer to a lot of blind requests in a way that demanded a leap of faith and an effort to establish their own character. It also had a healthy dose of just wait and see. These days people can weasel out of uninformed situations quite a lot. So, we lean to shallow decision models with fewer good intentions accordingly.
Letting people own your house and charge you money. Make it stop!
Fireworks pranks.
Burning smiley faces on your palm with lighters.
Joyriding and carjacking.
Russian roulette.
Vodka competitions.
Glue sniffing.
Gay bashing.
Chicken races.
Having many loving disciples can never be spoiled by an occassional traitor.
English speakers: In the first car of the first race in the first tournament.
US: In the first race’s first car in the first tournament.
Start flamewars on robotic astroturf accounts about how dumb Donald Trump is until Instagram starts and people try to prove he’s not an idiot, but in protesting they protest too much and nobody believes them by 2016.
So, I need a robot chatbot algorithm cookbook for the naughties and beyond.
You’re expending resources for greater intelligence with diminishing returns. At some point you’re killing yourself, so hopefully you’ll acquire enough intelligence to end the button cycle.
Me: this looks derivative
Also me: take my upvote
Imagine life without concern and high expectations your dreams will be profitable. No wonder money makes money.
The more of us that take the hit the fewer people just going along.
Chemistry and attraction.