Thanks a lot for your info, i m currently considering changing the program, but i will keep what u said in mind :)
Hm i (hv been) trying to add 2.5kg only, ig changing the program might work tbh
Also about plyometrics and ‘techniques’ if u dont mind😅
Ok, thanks a lot for the info, I will try from sat which is my first day of the week for gym
Yeah i hv been trying to add weight but always fail, i m thinking of doing a different program like the other guy suggested
Hm ok ig i will try, what exercises are supposed to be in ur ‘auxiliary’ lifts tho, like i see there is not a pulling exercise there, so like i add a row or anything to those auxiliary lifts, and in flexibility and plyometrics, should i just wing it or are there specific ones i should do?, also what is ‘technique’
Also thanks a lot for helping :)
Edit 2: and set rep scheme? Ig the strength one 3x5-8
I have been balancing all that, idk what the issue is maybe test or genetics? Program seems tried and tested
I couldn’t bench an empty bar, its not about stats its the fact i haven’t been progressing for months
Should I try this then? Seems very intimidating tbh, i haven’t done many of these exercises ever, it will also definitely turn heads haha
Hm this seems kind of an athlete type workout
Hm OK, thanks for ur help :)
I dont think i m body dysmorphic, i just am super concerned about why am i not progressing on my lifts for so long
Protein I get around 100-120 gms, I looked up BFS, seems like a 2 days week program, i m running PPL 6x a week rn
Program is the coolcicada PPL I m definitely in a surplus tho i hv been gaining weight steadily, i m around 3 kgs up in the last 2 months Protein i m sure i get 100-120 gms on avg tho, i used to track my calories but i lost that habit because like i said i hv stopped enjoying the process much, but still i dont miss any opportunity to get some protien in hehe
I do PPL 6x, i used to love going to the gym thats why i do PPL the reddit one and currently the coolcicada one, however now it just seems like a chore, there should be atleast some progression, but when i get under the bar its as if i just dont have any strength, in fact, i m sure i m regressing a bit
Thanks for ur info, i do change up isolation exercises regularly tho, i dont think there are any replacements but for the main lifts