Bionic electicity powered by oxygen? sounds like a facinating new path towards bionic organs.
Bionic electicity powered by oxygen? sounds like a facinating new path towards bionic organs.
For America, there will be horrors. So many bastards died to keep black people in chains. Those bastards decendants will fight to the death for white supremacy upheld even if it is against their own self interest. Most likely through random acts of terrorism. However this plays out, even if the United States falls peacefully out of existence, the homegrown terrorists will fight for their right to abuse people differently than them. A cultural revolution against white supremecy is in order to stop the spread of fascism to the next generation.
Any rash actions by Palestinians is understandable. They are people without power acting out of desperation to have some sense of agency in their lives. Killing people that kill your family indiscriminately for entertainment is perfectly reasonable. I suspect the most effective means to destroy the Imperial core is to utilize its internal contradictions to undermine its stability and build institutions that serve the people better than the garbage current institutions. They have prepared for war, but the treats to the imperial core people proletarians are stopping. They need to feed the imperial core Bourgeoisie. That is where I think the Leftists must focus their attention in the imperial core. China is making deals and cutting off the imperialist superprofits. While the imperial core armies are very expensive they are overpriced for what they are paid for. They can’t win the wars to enforce the superprofits. As long as China can keep their Bourgeoisie in check, the collective of humanity has the opportunity to build communism.
Maybe for Gaza, but most other places are doing alot better than Gaza. The biosphere of this planet is quite delicate and a nuclear war might destroy all parts of the biosphere that support human life. A worse outcome than a genocide of one people.
At this point, to those paying attention isn’t it easy to discern which NGO are really the US state Department?
Wouldn’t be surprised if the entire safety regulations are enforced by part time staff paid by Boeing and they have insufficient tools to actually investigate the safety of the planes before sending them to the various airports.
I know that they supposedly take anti-semitism seriously in Germany, but one would hope that they’d focus on preventing the mass slaughter of civilian populations. Maybe it is just consistency.
Things have not gotten that progressive under Biden either. Many liberals are acting like delusional fasicsts warmongering against “Orc” Russians. This new Nakba is escalating under Biden. Biden and the useless democrats have refused to secure abortion rights for women. The fascist border policy under Obama has continued to escalate and is creating migrant slave child workers. At this point I see no difference. Their rhetoric means nothing if they do the same thing.
Do they really think Trump would quit NATO? I get that even if there is a 5% chance of it actually happening, they might see it as good to prepare. IDK if a Trump presidency would be good for the world. I imagine he’d continue the farce in Ukraine and also protect corporations from accountability like any other bourgeoisie president would do. He’ll also persecute trans people and ethnic minorities to distract from the deteriorating conditions of capitalism
A/C’s already do this but that is not the intended effect. This guy optimized it to not just cool air but optimise it to catch as much water as possible.
Building more technology that operates in a vaccum and use it often will create a practical space where people will discover interesting perspectives that are useful for space travel.
while that would be funny, I suspect resources would best be spent on something else.
We are idealists that refuse to understand there is a difference between Jewish people as a whole and the modern state of Israel.
These awful Marxists look at the material reality of the bombed hospitals and wonton destruction of civilian infrastructure, but they need to understand something more important than the real life destruction of human life.
These truths are:
Antisemitism = bad
Jews = Israel
Antisemitism = being against Jews
therefore being against Israel = antisemitism
Thus, when Marxists oppose Israel’s bombings = antisemitism
If you state the minor detail that not all Jewish people are not supportive of all of the actions of the state of Israel, we’ll dismiss it as irrelevant. Because our idealized concepts are more important than the consequences of following through on those actions.
It probably was worse because he knew that he was complicit in it.
Be careful, it sounds like you are doxxing yourself as a real dragon. It might be fun to have you involved in the revolution as an executioner. It would be lovely to have a court convict the various bourgeoisie and sentence them to be devoured by our revolutionary dragons.
Since times of old dragons hid away from the world. Legendary heroes come into the cave to liberate the treasure from the cave after they slay the dragon.
then you have redundant copies
I thought that the libs kept on saying it was the Russians, not the Chinese.