I just finished my first full marathon! It was the most grueling 4 hours and 15 minutes of my life. I’ve never been more sore or more exhausted. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
I just finished my first full marathon! It was the most grueling 4 hours and 15 minutes of my life. I’ve never been more sore or more exhausted. Can’t wait to do it again next year!
Usually sweatpants and a hoodie
One time I went over a patch of ice on the highway and my car did a full 360 at 100 km/h. I was pretty sure I was about to die, but somehow I managed to straighten out and keep going without hitting anything.
At a previous job I had to work with an old database where all the tables and columns had 6-character names
Cooper Howard has entered the chat
Money printer go Birr
The far right
I like symmetry, so I’m hoping it’s a 3
Boomers are buying diamonds - why?
I could definitely get on board with extending ISO 216 to include a standardized set of screen sizes with this aspect ratio.
Oui and si are derived from different roots. Oui is from Latin hoc ille, while si is from Latin sic.
There is actually a si in French that also means yes and comes from the same root as the Spanish and Italian si. However, its usage is much more limited. It’s only used to express disagreement. For example, if I said “Potato chips don’t taste good.” and you wanted to say “Yes, they do!”, then you could use si.