I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA and I occasionally make things and post stuff online. Blogging since 1997 and can’t seem to stop. Please enjoy these wonderful links to other places:
I’d also love some insight! What kind of markers, any notes on the technique?
I also did some different color variations: https://rasterweb.net/raster/2024/04/22/chuck-taylors-sketch/
What if you are a heavy social media user, and the person on trial is a heavy social media user? Should they not get a jury of their peers?
I do have an old metal container on a kitchen shelf as decor, and I sort of wish I had drawn that one instead.
Attention to detail is everything! ;)
I’ve probably used thousands of X-ACTO blades in my lifetime…
Yes. I work for a small company and we do give out business cards at events if someone asks or if we really hope they’ll follow up with us later. To me they often serve more as a helpful reminder more than a device to convey contact information.