So your solution is to sow more division by believing people who vote Republican are stupid? The same people who believe you are stupid for voting Democrat (or anyone else)? Interesting…
Maybe target the real problem: the system and the people who uphold it. Otherwise you are just a pawn of the wealthy.
Its that using an extra step in the process (producing energy + CO2, then using energy to remove CO2) is going to increase entropy more than not producing CO2 in the first place.
Economic viability is separate and sometimes related to things like this.
Its irrelevant to the economy (in the short term at least) whether a process is efficient in terms of energy or resources. What is relevant is whether or not something can be done for either small sums of money, or sold for profits. More likely both in a capitalist style economy.
Note that it does happen in some cases that using less energy/resources is more profitable, but the driving force, again in a capitalist style economy, is the profit.