Why is it relevant to the article about where he came from?
Why is it relevant to the article about where he came from?
Because that’s not the focus of the article
They went to the trouble of explaining the age of the boy and where he was from and by your logic those bits of information aren’t the focus of the article either.
You’re just guessing, you don’t know. We can all make guesses.
the current crisis
What are you referring to?
Not the EU.
Bizarre that the article doesn’t address the reasons why the boy wanted to come to the UK. As per usual.
a margin of error
What do you mean?
You know what they meant
Yes and I responded appropriately.
it’s closer to a serious article than a blogpost
I find it bizarre and plain wrong to imply that blog posts can’t be serious articles.
I’m not OP
both of which have a major flaw
What major flaw do you believe ActivityPub has?
looks better
What do you mean?
than ActivityPub
ActivityPub is decentralised. AT has a centralised index. They’re not comparable.
Reducing the population doesn’t imply killing.
Half the country voted to remain.
Firstly, not everyone in the country votes. The turnout for the EU referendum was only 72.2%.
Secondly, of the non-spoiled ballots, only 48.1% were in favour of remaining. Which is not only much less than half the country but a good 1.9% away from the minimum 50% required for your statement not to be bollocks.
Labour are dedicated to the democratic vote
I believe joining the EU would boost the economy, increase global influence, improve collaboration and provide stability & freedom.
Free access to information meant everyone would be educated and informed, and able to freely communicate and organize.
Could be, not would be. They still can be. But they won’t be.
Corporations turned it into a tool of oppression.
No the people turned it into a tool of distraction from the pain of life using the tools corporations were happy to provide.
Technology has never and will never save us from capitalism on its own.
Capitalism isn’t the reason that free access to information hasn’t educated and informed everyone. Exactly the same indifference to education and organisation would exist in the absence of capitalism. The limitation isn’t capitalism, the limitation is the suffering that life necessarily implies. In the face of relentless suffering, most people are not motivated to learn beyond what’s necessary to survive.
Ah I see, thanks
still treats autism as a mental health condition
Wait what? What is autism if not a mental health condition?
The majority of the population aren’t able to employ critical thinking and are just easily lead towards shitty decisions.
But… but… democracy!
I’m not sure what you mean by "direct"ing you to a diet.
“Eat low amounts of carbohydrates in a plant-based diet.” Is that direction enough?
LOL, it would have changed the article.