These are womderful, with a variety of flavours. Downside: one piece is not enough.
These are womderful, with a variety of flavours. Downside: one piece is not enough.
Definitely too old.
Start issuing fan cards and I’ll be your number one.
This genius ancestors must be rolling in their graves…
I like how your mind works.
Are we starting a product line?
Ownership of dildos must be normalized. In fact, I want to propose making mandatory to receive one upon becoming of legal age at your country of birth. Upon entering a new job? Complementary dildo. Entering the military? Camouflage pattern, G.I. Dildo. Graduating? Dildo. College? Dildo. Masters? XL Dildo. Doctorate? Epic Dildo. Getting engaged? Matching dildos.
Very prude world we live in.
I’m either too stupid or too old to understand the underlying joke. Maybe both.
Is there an AI joke in there somewhere or am I missing something?
Yes, they can. I personally don’t even curse, by default, but I’m not offended to read the random swear, unless it is actively used to be an insult towards someone, which was not the case here.
I am interested in making sure people are allowed and expected to express themselves freely in this space, unless they break the “rule” I mention above.
Don’t censor yourself. If there is need for a swear, use it. Just don’t use swearing in place of proper speech.
I do not have the slightest idea of what you intended to convey.
You can say “fuck”, here. See?
It’s yours. Every single thing you can fix is one less thing you need to fix and adds towards your home being more yours.
I bought a house almost 100 years old, badly upkept throughout the years (someone thought it was a good idea to cover wood with cement without making sure it would not wick moisture), severely modified (it was divided into 5 separate apartments) and altered (I have a shower stall inside a bedroom!), it has a lot of work to be done and I sure have too litle time but I’ll be damned it’s mine!
Imagine if it was full of adult toys. That would be something to talk about.
Choro raivoso violento?
I’m portuguese and I feel undecided between blind rage or ugly crying.
A portuguese would be very much pissed at it as well…
Presunto/jámon will cure over time and become harder and denser in flavour. Cutting it straight from the leg is also a learned skill and a good knife to do it is also advisable. But you get a bone from which you can make an awsome feijoada.
How about letting them have “no”, “get bent” or, in extremes cases, a punch to the kisser? Can they have those?