If you remember those, you are now a depressed anxious wreck with a decimated attention span.
If you remember those, you are now a depressed anxious wreck with a decimated attention span.
If you want your shirt to be buttoned all the way to the top, I would recommend pairing it with a tie. In addition, I might consider a lighter shirt as the overall outfit is pretty dark.
Don’t stress it too much though, your outfit is perfectly fine! Go ahead and kill it!
Age verification for pornography has something like a 70% approval rating. It’s not a religious extremism issue, it’s a “normies don’t want or care about their freedoms issue”.
This has always been easy for me because my favorite movie is “Speed Racer” which has like a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes.
A movie that was genuinely before its time. Would fit right in these days with “Barbie” and “Everything Everywhere All At Once”.
I would let him know that he has a tell, yeah. As for whether or not rolls should get fudged, I guess it depends on what you’re trying to get out of the game. For me and my players, my emphasis is on the continuity of the story I’m telling, so I tend to fudge rolls to keep things moving along.
Yes, extreme violence+ethnic cleansing efforts can lead to the emergence of stable national identities. This process could be applied on a global scale to give you the results you are looking for.