Oh man… someones in for a fun night.
I think it’s somebody trying to be passive, aggressive, but the fact that I have to say, I think proves the level of thought that went into it.
It took me more than a few seconds to realize that this was in the Memes community, not the anti-work community
I personally would add: • The Nowhere Generation • Wolves
“Companies using dishonest tactics to advertise for job openings finding it hard to get applicants”. There I fixed it for you.
Yeah, something else that is really inconvenient for a lot of people, is the comparison between the amount of money brought in by corporations and income taxes and individual people.
which one… I see both sides of the argument.
Literally NOTHING in the house can be at tail height. The tree looks weird, and it initially catches people off guard, since it looks like we only decorated half the tree. But it an adjustment we are happy to make. and I think that’s the key part of the conversation. We don’t have a dog. We have a member of the family that we adjust our lives around. Give her an environment where she feels safe, give her the exercise she needs, and all of the blankets that she can nest in.
Good on you for recognizing that. I think one of the main problems is that people don’t do enough real research to understand what they’re getting into. If you think you’re ready for a dog, find somebody who has a dog that is just outside of the puppy stage and ask to dog sit. Not only will the owners often be happy for a little bit of a break time, but you will get to experience what that particular breed is like at the peak of it being that breed. You will not change your families lifestyle to fit your dog (you will but you cant start out that direction), you have to find something that is compatible with how you live. For us that means that as soon as you set down on a chair or couch its tugs time (approx 2-3 hours a day). We only play tugs with the rope bones (no other toys) and when anyone in the family gives the command “drop it” she drops it (or its time of the other command “all done”) both of which are said once firmly with the hand signals.
That’s the other thing I don’t think a lot of people understand, and I think it leads to many of the dogs ending back in shelters. The period of cuteness wears off into the portion where your dog is learning to be a dog. It is the hardest part of owning the dog, and you have to be super diligent about training at that phase. Because that’s the time where the dog can learn all of the bad habits that it will carry for the rest of its life. Not to say that you can’t come back from it, but it’s a lot harder.
This is fresh… came in early this morning. Not sure if they got all of them or a subset.
People who don’t know what they are getting into, and as soon as they encounter a situation of their own creating… they bail because its hard. Pit bull owner (AST rescue mutt), they are not a beginner breed, they require ensuring that there is a hierarchy in the house and force an understanding of that. They are stubborn, hard headed, and amazing dogs (Tiptoe is a hurricane of tongues). We have a 6 yo at home, and I have to force his training and training for her. It’s a lot of work, and most people are allergic to work when it becomes inconvenient to them.
Aggression is something that is there genetically and you have to work against it. Again that’s work, but you will find that any dog that hasn’t been traumatized (and some that have… again love my tip) leans naturally to happiness, not aggression.
Short answer is that people are awful, and because of that most of the time the dog suffers. That should be recognized for what it is.
Bonus… Pit Love: https://ibb.co/yVRW1Zh
With the IMEI and SIM card information they now have the details needed to take over MFA. I share my birthdate with people that I casually know, I try not to do that with MFA codes. Credit card details would be bad, but at this point with the number of people who have leaked it, I would be 100% surprised if you couldn’t find our CC data via a google search.
Yup and that’s the infuriating part. It’s not helpful or useful, it 100% a cya.
I honestly think that gng is one of the most punishing games ever created. The fact that you complete it (took me till adulthood with cheats) that it turns around and tell you to do it again to actually win, is one of the most evil things that the game could have done.
Good to see the the DNC propaganda machine is still working.
If it’s a constant race to the bottom… who cares. I would rather see us bottom out so that there is a chance that I could see real change in my lifetime.
Whatever you do, do not put the demon core in a blender. A bad time will be had by all.
gave birth to 100% of mass murderers.
This reminds me of the quote:
“If I have one message to give to the secular American people, it’s that the world is not divided into countries. The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don’t know each other, but we talk together and we understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.”