This is a news piece not an editorial. “Editorial line” means they have a publicly shared opinion on what’s happening, not that they’re not doing hard news.
“Low-key” as in he’s found a relatively low-key way to defy a judge’s order. Any kind of defying a judge’s order is of course a very dramatic action.
How so? They obviously have an editorial line but they never make any factual claims that aren’t true.
Two out of these three links are broken, any idea what happened?
The error page says “The server returned this error: couldnt_find_community. This may be useful for admins and developers to diagnose and fix the error”
But of course he can only do so on his blog after having been forced out of the Times for exactly this kind of truthtelling.
Haha probably better to keep the tube closer to the surface of the Earth but otherwise yes.
If only we had a series of pneumatic tubes connecting all our homes, you could order something online and have it pop up right next to you minutes later.
This same urge for some kind of end to all existing problems via an apocalyptic scenario is also why OP made his post.
Well not always - this story is about how for years and years there was a deadlock between the two parties at the FEC that has now been broken by a Democratic board member shocking everyone and siding with the Republicans.
Yeah I think it’s pretty much just in NYC for now, with a big launch in Minneapolis in progress. Hopefully they get to Denver soon!
If I were the Iranian leadership I’d want to develop a nuclear arsenal yesterday. It’s the only way to really deter Israeli or American aggression. As an American myself I’d appreciate the resulting reduction in the likelihood of our going to war against Iran.
It has already been done, that’s what the article is about:
Currently based in NYC, but getting ready for a big launch in Minneapolis in response to the incumbent rideshare companies pulling out of the city in protest of increased rideshare regulation. Big opportunity to seize some marketshare without needing that much startup capital if your better financed competitors are removing themselves from that part of the market.
Yeah exactly - the proposal here is to have a driver-owned worker cooperative run the app.
The offshoot running Android would hopefully just be called “Android”
The breakup this is referring to is splitting off the Android operating system from the rest of Google.
Goggins is a treasure. Between Righteous Gemstones, I’m a Virgo and Invincible he’s killing it all over right now.
Huh, what’s the logic to doing it on shuffle working better than the original order?
I went back and watched the other old Star Treks after not having watched them when they aired but Voyager was the one that seemed not worth my while. Should I check it out?
Justified is coming up on my list to watch for the first time.
The NYTimes has its problems but Bouie always has a good take.