Soon to be the first Greased Priest.
Soon to be the first Greased Priest.
So I have a LLM read a book and paraphrase its contents, that’s not stealing?
In other news: we have lawyers to protect our copyrights, you don’t. Suck it.
That’s a lot of wheels. I’d hate to have to inflate all those tires.
Just remember… when you have a business degree, you are qualified to run any business. That’s what a business degree is for.
My mind is going. I can feel it.
Maybe a better approach would be to distribute the gifts equally amongst the justices. That way they could all graft equally. Equal graft under the law!
He didn’t even have to hide gold bars in his underwear like Menendez.
If you want to see what that would be like, watch this scene from the movie “Nixon” (1995).
Though your brother’s bound and gagged And they’ve chained him to a chair Won’t you please come to Chicago Just to sing
In a land that’s known as freedom How can such a thing be fair Won’t you plaese come to Chicago For the help we can bring
We can change the world - Re-arrange the world It’s dying - to get better
— Chicago, CSNY
What makes Bannon so sure he would be one to benefit from a second Trump presidency? He could just as well be persecuted. Trump shows no allegiance to anyone and is happy to throw his supporters under the bus when expedient.
Music Television doesn’t necessarily have to be showing videos, but showing something at least tangentially related to music would be nice. MTV is now what every channel is: put whatever is required in front of the viewer to sell ads. All channels are the same shit now.
I don’t know. I bought a huge amount of a varied seed mix and threw it all down. Unfortunately, the plants were mowed all the way to the ground with little stalk left even.
Little known fact: the imaginary numbers are the algebraic closure of the irrational numbers.
The only real question left in this war is: if Putin orders a nuclear strike, will he be obeyed?
Hydrogen is an electron and proton. I am guessing that most protons have been fully ionized many times since the beginning of the universe, thus not being complete intact atoms. Checkmate scientists!
Hank Scorpio for President!
I wonder what kind of simulators they use to test their code.
If only they would.
Stock holders demand infinite growth. If the management doesn’t make money, they put in place new management. A company is only worth the value of the next stock buyback or dividend. It’s baked into the structure of corporations, especially publicly-owned corporations.