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So the wish was I want to ride a horsecock?
Thanks for the anecdote. I love reading this kind of context-giving stories on how different our expectations on consumer-grade electronics were.
These two guys were really good at math and made a lot of contributions to the field.
No, it’s because there’s no sex in the USSR.
Seems like some sort of understated pun with IEDs and DUIs. Just guessing.
brb slapping a V12 on a shopping cart
It’s accepted among historians that the historical figure of Jesus existed.
Which is not to be confused with Michael McDonald.
Reminds me of the original PSP, on which homebrew hackers used a similar exploit using vulnerabilities in the image viewer by loading a corrupted TIFF, causing a buffer overflow that let the user load unverified code.
ˋblkidˋ or take a look around /dev, devices are symlinked to their various attributes.
Holy shit, thank you so much for bringing this up, I used to play the shit out of SS13 a decade ago and followed the alpha development of SS14, then promptly forgot about it. I gotta check it out!