There’s some pervious asphalt at my office that has over 10 years of fines in it and infiltrates <1”/hr. If you hit it with a vacuum it quickly clears to >50”/hr.
There’s some pervious asphalt at my office that has over 10 years of fines in it and infiltrates <1”/hr. If you hit it with a vacuum it quickly clears to >50”/hr.
Replace ICE with EV.
Replace car subsidies with multimodal infrastructure funding.
Thoughts on Vivaldi?
Most non-profits are not financially sustainable and rely on donations and grants to operate. If the service they provided could be financially sustainable, a for-profit would popup and operate in that space.
But I agree that non-profits can and should find fee-for-service opportunities and generate revenue to reduce their reliance on gifts.
How does being in prison prohibit moving around assets?
That’s drug dependence.
TheReS nO diPloMAtiC SoluTiOn, thErE’S onLy M U R D E R
“I’ve got some bike parts and NO I won’t tell you what brand they are. Why should it matter?”
Every classroom from K to college and obvious lawsuits?
Party of fiscal responsibility…
But 100% of the time they feel like they’ve got big ‘ole balls.
But what if poison ivy became sentient and chased humans down?
Jesus fuck, no one is saying that.
Acids are sour, which isn’t bitter.
“lifting the calcium carbonate compensation depth”
Wouldn’t increased CaCO3 dissolution increase pH? I’m surely misunderstanding you — presumptively there’s less compensation allowing more CO2 / carbonic acid?
I’m out of my depth…
Not long ago, 40-50k, now 90-100k.
Turf is barely previous