Who in their right mind celebrates kills on humans, in the end only regular people get harmed in any conflict, never the instigators from both sides
Who in their right mind celebrates kills on humans, in the end only regular people get harmed in any conflict, never the instigators from both sides
Care to ELI5 for us casuals who did not catch and are missing the obvious?
Maybe yt-dlp might be for the job?
Just a few days ago I downloaded some videos from Vimeo without issues which required sign in to even view
Ubisoft won’t own my money too!
Right off the bat it sit right, thank you
In the same boat, I miss it still, other ones have a worse UI for me and hate the ad slots in the app although I have DNS ad blocking but its still annoying. Do update me if you find a good replacement as we’re looking for the same thing
I’a bit lazy so I just use precompiled apk’s from some good soul from the internet and avoid the hassle alltogether. I roll with a release until something breaks, whick can go for quite some time and then manually just install the new build, works flawlessly. Here’s the source I use
Just a few days ago I pulled an old Sony’s NWZ player as they still have superior audio quality compared to phones. I had to throw it away after 10+ years as the battery died.
Croatia has also effectively dropped Coke (at least for the moment) but for an entirely different reason
Wait I was under the impression that some time ago they lifted the embargo as US-Cuba relations have improved a bit. A man would think raising an embargo would improve relations even more /sigh
How down-puttingly assuming of you to know me or my country who in its entire long history never invaded someone and was mostly a vassal for others. We gained independence after a bloody civil war which tore the country apart and saw its fair share of genocide, during which the whole world stood by the sidelines. No, muslims are not the only victims of this cruel world.
No, I generally don’t comment on politics exactly because it breeds polarizing comments like this, but this open call for death for any side is horrific from my point of view, who saw what it does to a nation. This outlook of complete eradication of the other side is what is preventing any possible long lasting peace, and truthfully if the people don’t recognize it there won’t be anybody left to see it. As it currently stands there will be no peace until one side completely displaces the other, which is not what I or the vast majority of the world want.