Reddit is dead, long live reddit.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Weird edge cases. You would think that edge cases are a minority, but a setup without any edge case is the real minority.

    From screens that decide to not power up (Nvidia !!!) to programs not wanting to start (Minecraft flatpak who doesn’t run from desktop but okay from command line), sometimes when you want it to just work it’s exhausting.

    On my side I’ve totally given up on windows and happily run a full AMD household, it’s fine, but still.

  • Then give us a fair price. YouTube is not making any content, so I just wish to pay for the hosting privileges. That shouldn’t cost me 15€/month. Give me simple prenium that removes ads for 6-7€, and I will jump in. It’s all about what I feel I’m getting.

    For instance, I fucking bought a 1300€ pixel 8 pro ROFL.

  • Yknow, I see two sides of that coin :

    • the one that person thinks about, pursuing a goal that you actually shouldn’t have pursued (and that’s painful)

    But the one I immediately thought as I grew up in public middle school where so many children where doing nothing but fucking around

    • spending your young years doing jackshit and fucking around despite everyone telling you you should be more serious or at least stop annoying the others, then complaining the rest of their life that society is unfair.

    Yeah I’m resentful.