Probably buying shares in whatever company has the no-bid contract to build it.
Probably buying shares in whatever company has the no-bid contract to build it.
YoutubeDL-Material would fit the bill
Any bets on whether this gets added to the Russia/US-negotiated deal for Ukraine?
These are state charges, so only by the NY Governor. But this was basically a very gentle tap on the wrist, anyways.
My brain forced that to into an acronym, RWBL, which my brain also pronounces “ruble”, as in the Russian currency. Tin foil hat, engaged.
A state can’t, and fed can’t, but both can, exclusively to each other.
I was surprised it was only federal charges at this point.
So not full self driving
FSD isn’t even real, too, so if BYD’s is, they already won even without the price tag difference.
You can set up NextDNS on the router to cover every device on the network. My family is all over the country, so the app was easier for my use case.
If you want cheap and easy, something like NextDNS. Otherwise, your tentative plan works just as well. My family liked NextDNS because all I had to do was have them install an app, enter my code (for the profile I configure for them), and set it to on. The rest was magic, to them.
The double standard being they will absolutely use AI to filter through applications. They are pure scumbags.
Most employers don’t give you that option.
I ditched it in 2016 and haven’t felt a loss.
Link is a 404
The people volunteered. You don’t get into a drug trial without informed consent.
Forever is only forever until profit margins get tight or they have a bad enough fiscal quarter…
As long as you can’t default sort by updates from people you actually want updates from, and omit the fire hose of unsolicited ads and propaganda, it will never even get a whiff of what it started out as.
How is this even a meme?
If it’s one the current administration doesn’t like. Some examples: