Police have no duty to protect anyone. Literally. There are no laws saying police have to help anyone. Police do not exist to help anyone.
Police have no duty to protect anyone. Literally. There are no laws saying police have to help anyone. Police do not exist to help anyone.
To let them continue what? Commiting crimes? Guess what, we don’t, that’s what prison is for. Far better than killing people because your personal opinion is that they need to die
Either there is an acceptable number of innocent people that can be executed, or the government never makes mistakes. Which is it?
You know how you occasionally see articles about the male loneliness epidemic? Hi, that’s me. Haven’t spent more than a week around people in person in close to 5 years despite livingright next to a big city, struggling with depression and social anxiety, starved for physical and emotional affection but can’t bring myself to do anything about it, yeah. Snuggled and slept with an ace friend overnight on a couch at a big get together and it sent me into a massive depressive spiral! You know this meme?
Yeah that’s me. I’m definitely not an incel, I’m self aware and not entitled, the only thing holding me back is me and my stupid fucking brain. There’s hope, antidepressants and therapy have been helping a lot. I just feel like the posterchild for the struggling, lonely but not “redpill nutjob” guys out there
Using sync personally, I know I know FOSS and whatnot but it’s not like it’s a big corporate product and it’s what I’m used to
The orange boy is so sweet
Oh my goodness, what a patient sweetie
It’s hard, but try to hold on to wanting things to get better, instead of wanting them to end. Either way, it stops the shittiness. Just one way is a lot better for you than the other. I know the response, “why bother? It’s not going to happen”. When shit’s like this, you have to make the conscious choice to want things to be better. This isn’t me saying “oh just choose to be better duh” like some fucking asshole, I mean things can’t improve unless you consciously want them to. Not just the automatic “of course I want to be better” response I would have to reading this comment, I mean when a nihilistic suicidal thought crosses your mind, you have to manually think to yourself “no, that’s not right, I want to feel better”. It’s fucking hard and it takes mental effort that you might not have sometimes but things can’t improve unless you consciously want them to.
Or at least, that’s what I’ve found to be true. You’re not me, but I hope this helps you.
Maybe that’s why I got so many boners during physics
I mean, you want low friction, not no friction
Oh my goodness, what a lil snoozer
Track your heart rate, try to keep it below roughly 145ish. Do intervals of running and walking, and gradually add more running time and remove walking time.
I live online, no one I know lives anywhere close enough to casually visit me, let alone just pop over unannounced. If someone rings my doorbell they either want to sell me something or are dropping a package off. Either way, why go to the door?
Ok, in what countries do police have a duty by law to help people? And if the duty to help others comes from being human, then police are doing a fucking terrible job at fulfilling it