(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(Someone else made it but I can’t find the source)
(FYI I didn’t make this and I believe it’s fake but honestly it’s hard to tell)
Getting books from the library to read?
Thank you, the page you sourced references a 2024 paper inspired by the Oppenheimer movie that was super interesting to read
I don’t know what chain reaction exactly they were thinking of, but from modern fusion research, I believe we can confidently say that the atmosphere would need to be interior-of-a-large-star-level dense, and even then I’m not sure you’d get nitrogen fusing with anything without a lot of hydrogen or helium around. Nitrogen-nitrogen fusion seems extremely implausible for sure
Honestly, I would recommend the audiobook over the book; having someone else figure out how to say the special names makes it much easier to keep track of them in your mind, I find
Picking a higher density of the material just means the one gram would occupy less volume, it doesn’t affect how much energy that gram is equivalent to in terms of E=mc2. For that calculation, as the equation implies, only the mass matters; a gram of feathers is equivalent to the same amount of energy as a gram of lead for that equation. Now, this equation is in fact a simplified assumption; if you launch your feather at relativistic speed, then we’re talking
It doesn’t fit all the criteria you mentioned, but if you don’t print that much and wanna try a dryer before buying anything, you can make a cardboard foil tent for your printer bed and use that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MflrcqNozqs
Oh I see; I knew they stopped supporting it after a while but I thought the official app was a descendent of that codebase
The comparison is even more apt when you remember that the official Reddit app also used to be the most popular and great 3rd-party app called AlienBlue, which was purchased from 1 guy and rebranded a decade ago.
It’s pretty clear that the reason why the official Reddit app isn’t good is because a good experience for their users isn’t their goal.
In Canada, they typically pick one or two last names out of four for the kid. Some adults decide to go by just one of their last names too
There’s a channel called Improbable Matter on YouTube created by a scientist formerly working on fusion with a super interesting series about fusion power https://www.youtube.com/@ImprobableMatter
*shart post
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
(… from almost 10 years ago now jesus)
I like how it has really vague boundaries that are obviously approximate but then it pretends to do precise gerrymandering-type carveouts in the second map
Chickpea curry is made entirely with pantry items and is very delicious. You can throw in non-pantry items if you have them but they are not necessary
Spam musubi is a popular snack in Hawaii that’s also entirely pantry food. I love spam but not everyone does; if you want pantry meals though chances are you would be okay with it.
Obviously canned soups are a good pantry meal source, no special recipe there
Flaked ham or tuna cans with Mayo & relish (or chopped celery if you have them) are delicious to eat on any type of crackers
That’s what I can think of for now haha
At first I thought this was a Tim Apple joke but that’s his actual name lol