I’m a lot less likely to report a crime after the George Floyd murder. Granted violent crime, like murder, tends to get reported regardless of a person’s personal feelings about police, and reported murders are down
I’m a lot less likely to report a crime after the George Floyd murder. Granted violent crime, like murder, tends to get reported regardless of a person’s personal feelings about police, and reported murders are down
Mexico is a bad example IMO. The Zapatistas are right there. That’s a pretty significant bit of territory the Mexican State has very little control over.
I like eco-dent I have some jagged spots on my teeth that most floss snags on. This stuff doesn’t snag and it uses wax instead of forever chemical
The US has, through concerted effort by the right wing, forgotten why FDR came into power. He was the heir of an extremely rich family. He managed to convince enough of the other oligarchs to avert going the way of the USSR. The US had revolutionary potential or the powerful would not have let this happen.
The policies that resulted from FDR’s presidency had an enormous effect on the US’s populace. It completely changed what the average American expected from their government. The politics of the Democrats, and even the Republican, president’s that followed reflected the change that FDR’s policies wrought.
It took 40 years of concerted media, intellectual, and religious capture for the right to regain anything resembling the political ascendancy they saw before the 1930s.
The bone conducting ones make me nauseous so I got a pair of Bose open earbuds. They’re not as good in loud environments but that’s kinda the point. I ride and listen to music with them daily
TLDR deregulating medicine has been a disaster. Monopolistic hospitals, ridiculous drug IP laws, and medical price middlemen with bad incentives make the US medical system the most expensive in the imperial core countries with the worst outcomes.
I don’t know what that has to do with anything. I’m a lefty, life has never mugged me. I’m a leftist because bad things happen to everyone and the solutions isn’t to hurt people until they’re better people. Giving people time and resources just makes people and society better.
Because billionaires are morally good, hard working, and smart. If a poor person was all those things they wouldn’t be poor /s
I’m going to vote for the democrat this November but I think most folks who talk about this issue are not disingenuous. Voting in the presidential election is a bare minimum, minimally effective political action. For me and most of the people I know it matters almost not at all because I don’t live in a swing state. My local elections matter a hell of a lot more.
There are limits to the effectiveness of electoralism that are worth understanding. I think a lot of folks who talk about the Democrat’s failures are advocating for political action beyond voting. Direct action is a far more effective form of political action that people should be putting their energies into.
Union organizing, renter’s orgs, housing activism, talking to your neighbors, local politics, and lots more are much more effective ways to assert power in your life. Voting makes me feel helpless. We need to act as well. The primary thing preventing positive political change is the belief that we can’t do anything to bring that change about.
I don’t think it’s the source. I think it’s a tool of social control that enables the powerful to create a bare minimum willingness to be ruled. For a long time the doctrine of Christianity was the Divine Right of Kings. Now it’s the Prosperity Gospel. The books did not change but the people with all the money and power ensured the church leaders who served their interest had most of the money and thus followers.
If we didn’t have religion, some other social construct would arise, and I’d argue, has arisen to fulfill it’s role. Modern economic theory justifies the current power order in an unfalsifiable way that reminds me of religion.
Religion could be a liberatory force in society. In fact it has been. The liberation theology movement in South America and numerous heretical movements in the late medieval period are both examples of progressive Christian social movements.
The nice thing about trials of corporations is discovery. We have evidence of Google intentionally making search worse, increasing the time spent looking for results, and this improving ad sales. All that came out in discovery.
Al-Hirak is the most prominent
I like this Jacobin writeup of the recent history in Yemen if you’d like more context
The frustrating thing is both Hamas and the Houtis are as powerful as they are because of the massive suppression of alternatives by the various powers at play in their respective conflicts.
Israel picked Hamas to be it’s enemy. They suppressed the alternatives and funded Hamas.
In Yemen the government in the North and the Saudis are much more interested in fighting the Houtis than allowing the pro democratic forces to become ascendant.
This whole situation is the fault of US allies.
Agreed, I switched to their unlimited tier pretty quickly
I’ve been using it for a few months. It’s good. I get the official docs for my first result using OP’s query. 300 queries, their starting tier was not enough for my use. I was using DDG before and like it well enough. I’m not sure if it’s worth it but I like the idea of paying for services I use. I stopped using Google years ago because of all the captchas I had to fill due to my VPN
Depends on the plant. Some plants, like plum or fig trees, have a lot of suckers poking out of the ground and putting up shoots. If they get disconnected from the rest of the roots they keep on growing.
Groups of humans have lived beneficially with other life before. Plenty of folks are doing it right now. The endless need for consumption and extraction are manufactured for the benefit of the few. Eliminate the system that requires endless economic growth and we can start making decisions that won’t destroy ourselves and others
They might be referring to the pro Zionist thing he did https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/22/fetterman-unbending-on-israel-confounds-this-progressive-brethren-00128502
More specifically the question is, does the statute in question apply to people preventing a government procedure from occurring? Previously the statute has been used to prosecute folks who tamper with evidence. They’re quibbling over the wording and whether storming a proceeding is also covered.
It’s seems fairly obvious to me that January 6th rioters wanted to stop the proceedings in a way that protestors of the supreme court do not. It also seems obvious that the government wouldn’t want citizens to be able to legally prevent it’s basic proceedings from occurring.
Also worth saying the defendant ran at a police line yelling “charge”
Hard cases make bad law. Make sure the Nazi’s rights weren’t infringed 😬