Do you have a link?
Do you have a link?
Immature Cooper’s are brown, but I agree with you that this guy looks more like a red tail.
I don’t know how these things usually work as there was no indication in any of the articles how the successfully media handled it. It seems crazy there would be such a knowledge gap.
Feels pretty obvious that seating would be limited and coveted, and there was contact information in the announcement for “more details”. If I had no idea how to get an invite, I’d have written that email May 15th. But maybe there’s more to the story than either side wants to tell.
Oh. I don’t know anything about this. Is it weird for an app to be pulled from all of these sites? Do they have a way for the original developer to take it down if they want or some kind of flagging? Does your new phone have a higher Android build, maybe the site checks somehow to match with the right version and then fails? Wild guesses
But the fact that so many stores have dropped it recently, though it’s clear they once had it, may mean something, idk.
This article explains it better. First of all there are plenty of black owned media companies, more than one in Atlanta who were denied credentials:
The NNPA represents the 197-year-old Black Press of America, which counts among its more than 230 newspapers and media companies, The Atlanta Voice, Atlanta Daily World, and the Atlanta Inquirer. The popular Rolling Out magazine also counts among the Black Press’ members frozen out by CNN.
However, they were apparently all denied based on the Jun 7 deadline.
CNN implies the deadline was stated in their announcement of the debate on May 15th but the only deadline mentioned is for polls determining which candidates could participate.
President Biden and CBC and Rep. Meeks lobbied CNN for Black media inclusion after the denial.
Omg, this is amazing. Ok hear me out, you think bribes are expensive, but at local or even state levels they can be very reasonable, so here’s what we do is GoFundMe for legislators, where regular people bid money into escrow for a certain rep’s vote and if they do it, they get the cash. Of course people of wrong opinion can also bid so it’s not guaranteed to get you what you want, but you can collectively at least make it more expensive for them! Normal bribery requires all kinds of relationship development and professional lobbyists to make sure it’s works right, so it’s available only to the well funded few. Post-vote bribery is open to all and cuts the smarmy middlemen.
I know you’re appalled, but consider how out of touch most reps are from their constituents. They are told all day long by these lobbyists that you don’t really hate genocide or that you really count on them to keep drilling for oil. Here you can tell your real values to their face with money, the same arbiter of truth those billionaires are using. Not for a campaign, but for a specific vote!
Typically, a school district would require book challengers to go through a formal challenge process in which each individual book would be assessed for merit. Instead, five minutes after receiving the demands, Perez agreed to them.
It’s easy if you don’t give a shit.
The school argued they were not a charter school. The judge disagreed. So whether a charter school can be religious wasn’t really considered.
Hong Kong?🇭🇰
Not saying you’re wrong, but just to add, [this article] ( gives a good account of the issues with several dams along one river. The electric company saves money by demolishing compared to building required fish ladders. They were already expecting less and less power from the dams due to low water levels, which may be drought or competition with irrigation. The dams only accounted for 2% of the electricity they sold, so I’m not sure how big the replacement project will be, if any.
One thing to note is that activism like this does normally happen in “spurts”. The legislative cycle is very long and most projects that eventually achieve government backing also require a lot, even matching, private money. Backers may go through several rounds of hype before catching the attention of a big local family or other donor that makes the whole thing plausible enough for the government to act on.
Is it a decrease in new solar or are people tearing panels off their roofs? Could it not be partly saturation? But also the new flat rate electric bill there doesn’t depend on usage anymore, right, so the incentive is completely messed up?
Nearly half who were removed [during post-covid eligibility audits] were able to reenroll, the survey showed, suggesting they should not have been dropped in the first place.
These are people who have no funds and no recourse. If it takes months to re enroll, that’s months without healthcare, including residential facilities and home health services Sometimes food and shelter programs are also tied to Medicaid eligibility.
5, just shaking off a hundred stupid sticky briars one by one.
I just thought at the last second it was disrespectful to people with seizures. The s probably doesn’t help with that anyway though
These guys are so friendly and like to hang out in bushes at eye level, which is a beautiful trait in a bird, imo
This is ludicrous. The Republicans have nothing to worry about. It does not matter to their voters at all. He could start shouting “kill, kill, kill” until he has a seizure and craps himself on stage, voters: “just like Jesus”
But if they don’t they’ll be fine, right?
That’s fun, reminds me of high school Shakespeare performances