Love the window decoration
Love the window decoration
I’m disappointed in Dave grohl
Nice try, foreign agent.
Hall monitor type for fucking sure
This. Hes not fucking ugly, thats the takeaway here lol
Neither does letting a killer walk free, who could potentially lose his shit and kill again.
Does ‘rehabilitating’ him bring them back?
Dark mode only works with special glasses. No thanks.
Its used as the nonstick coating
Sounds great, let’s ban it in every form except the one we literally eat…
I swear life is just a fucking south park episode at this point.
The design is very human.
What’s more important to cops, maintaining racism or protecting the family? Guess we got our answer.
Drink water and exercise
Beat me to it…
Everything degrades with time. Drives degrade faster than disks in storage (assuming you store the disks properly)
I would only use CDs for long term storage, theyre still the best for that. HDD for convenience.
Use those frontends while you still can folks. What happened to nitter is inevitable with other services…
How is this not an onion article?
Y’all mothafuckers clearly can’t sense sarcasm lol