This has nothing to do with education. It’s commentary on the academic job market and how professors expect post docs to work for “exposure.
This has nothing to do with education. It’s commentary on the academic job market and how professors expect post docs to work for “exposure.
That’s binenomics for you right there. 4 years ago I was able to donate thousands to Trumps campaign but this year I can only donate tens. My gas and food bills are just too much. That’s why I’m continuing to donate and voting for Trump.
/s in case it’s not clear.
Will 2024 be old people?
If we want to believe the evil alien theory, viruses might actually fit the bill better than plants, with fungi as a possible unlikely second.
Let’s hope they move to Paizo and join the work on pathfinder 2.5.
I pledge blah blah blah one nation* under god blah blah blah
*terms and conditions apply, non binding, we reserve the right to change terms without notice, no shirt no shoes no service
But you better stand, remove your hat, and salute the flag
OH MY GISH !!! parent comes from the Latin for to produce??? Like produce that can be shipped in ships, therefore when you are Berne’s you become produce that can be shipped on a ship, turning you in a product of the US government corp (unincorporated), which means that when you are driving you are actually being shipped as freight in your car, which means that only maritime law applies and that the cop that is stopping you doesn’t have jurisdiction because you are actually a shipped good and he isn’t the coast guard or a customs officer.
That also means that you can’t physically be charged for stuff because the shipping company (i.e. the US government) is actually responsible for all the costs incurred during shipping (i.e. you driving) under the imperial maritime charter or 1753 and the amended treaty of Orville of 1772.
That makes sense now. Thank you!!!
This is going to be like the self checkout lanes at the store but for creative jobs.
At the end of the day, a company will be able to produce the same output with fewer people. Some stuff will be of lower quality, just like sometimes people spend time on Lemmy and then phone in some crappy work.
And then one day you are there working on something at the vise, you drop something, and then you need a full back graft, and now you have weird hairs growing in your shoulders.
At least where I live, new housing costs exceed the value of the built building, so new costruction isn’t viable.
If you are a history buff, read up on the aventine secession on Wikipedia.
The TL;DR is that in 1924 Giacomo Matteotti, a member of the house of representative who was outspoken against Mussolini, was littered and no charges were brought forward. That even is what transition Italy from a semi-working democracy to a one-party dictatorship.
We’ll, strictly speaking you could have an AI that only knows about the world up to 1928 and talks like it’s 1928.
For heating specifically, heat pumps do le’t really work well (just yet). I’m well south of you and it’s cheaper to use gas than a heat pump. Maybe you could pair it with a geothermal sink to increase efficiency?
You can also activate “send as sms” in the messages page to fallback to sms when blue bubbles don’t work.
I just hope it’s not just a way to get users then close back up the platforms once they have enough users.
Was it 80% off by any chance?
How much money would they want to skim to distribute the music? 33-66 split doesn’t sound so bad considered that they don’t produce the music, sign artist, promote them, etc
They can always start their own label if they believe that vertical integration will be more profitable for them.
They tried that with podcasts and it didn’t go as planned
They decided to pay wholesale prices for electricity sold back to the grid instead of residential prices. That means that any excess power sold goes from around 33 cents to 6 cents, meaning that most people won’t see a change in their bills after installing solar because most households use power at night when there is no sun. This leads to people just not installing solar panels anymore.
This sounds like the textbook definition of a collider. Meaning that being toxic is the likely “root cause” and that toxic people are more likely to engage in political discourse (because it’s likely going to be toxic anyways? Idk) and they are more likely to comment toxic stuff in general.
Of course. He is only a chatting predator or pedofile.
/s btw. I don’t know anything about the situation