If it’s not running on the cloud, I can always just stay on an old version. If it’s open source, that old version can be maintained and updated indefinitely.
If it’s not running on the cloud, I can always just stay on an old version. If it’s open source, that old version can be maintained and updated indefinitely.
Save money and get to know your neighbors.
Trump probably won’t cause total collapse, so a basement full of beans is unlikely to be useful, but anyone relying on welfare or part of a minority group will need support. Savings will help with that, and could come in handy if you yourself get fired, either because of discrimination or economic recession.
Not at all. Eggs were never a significant experience to begin with.
Yeah, I’m much more worried about someone in my country spying on me then China, like what are they gonna do from the other side of the world?
It’s not so much that we know there was nothing before it, but that we can’t figure out what was before it.
Randall did the math on this one: https://what-if.xkcd.com/31/
He assumes 64 GB microsd cards, if you use 1 TB ones, you could send 16 times more.
Easiest and most secure way? Mail (or hand deliver) a flash drive. That’s how they transfer data between super computers and data centers. (AWS even has dedicated trucks to do it)
Get a display case and put a note with the story on it. That way it’s clear its being kept from historical/sentimental value and not because you like Nazis.
Hot take, C is better then C++. It really just has one unique footgun, pointers, which can be avoided most of the time. C++ has lots of (smart)pointer related footguns, each with their own rules.
Fake nudes of real people are generally illegal, regardless of if the nude is real, or photoshopped, or AI generated.
People have been arrested and convicted for AI porn of real people.
For now convictions seem to be confined to people who have already created/used more traditional CSAM (hidden cameras). This could just be because it is hard to catch someone simply generating images, so if someone with no record would be jailed for just fake nudes remains an open question. Fake nudes of fictional people are also very much an open question. Being very new technology, new laws have yet to be made, so feel free to write to lawmakers about where the line should be.
Prevent subprocess from killing itself until finished.
Fuck around and find out.
Wikipedia says the damage from this is mostly heals after a few months, so they will probobly be fine. Will be an intresting few months though.
Making decisions is the whole point of repesentives. If you don’t like their choices, don’t vote for them. Unfortunately, most places use first-past-the-post voting, which tends to result in 2 extreme parties, and people end up having to vote for the one that sucks less.
Making decisions is the whole point of repesentives. If you don’t like their choices, don’t vote for them. Unfortunately, most places use first-past-the-post voting, which tends to result in 2 extreme parties, and people end up having to vote for the one that sucks less.
The TV will try and amplify and display any signal. Without a station, it will end up amplifying random radio noise and tiny fluctuations in the amplifier circuits themselves.
The momentary signal strength is interpreted as brightness of a spot which is rapidly scanned over the display. In this case the signal is random so every spot on the screen will be a random brightness, changing every frame.
Modern digital TVs won’t do this, because with compressed video recognizable data is needed to even attempt displaying a picture.
As for the sources of the radio noise, most of it is from electrons being jostled by heat, some from space. (Including the cosmic microwave background others have mentioned)
The electron jostling (thermal noise) is the reason the receivers on radio telescope as cooled to insanely low temperatures often with liquid helium.
If it’s local, try using over-the-air TV, if your close to a transmitter, you can get away with a fairly cheap antenna. (Or even just a paperclip.)
You know it’s an old paper when it describes the taste of mercury salts.
Pro tip: If you pick an obscure enough subfield, you can become the leading expert by virtue of existing.