This guy’s wealth could end homelessness and hunger in the USA and instead he bought twitter and fucked it up
This guy’s wealth could end homelessness and hunger in the USA and instead he bought twitter and fucked it up
Didn’t Trump just have a meeting with his probation officer where he had to confirm he wasn’t associating with criminals?
Should ask him to look at pictures from the last 100 years and multiply the changes by 60
As soon as a car company figures out autonomous taxis you will see them go super modular for repairability
It will be too profitable
Trump hates it more because he thinks it ruins the view at his hotels
Haha I forgot about these guys.
Cases like these might save the next election because people won’t be able to lie about specifics or provide a platform for bad faith actors. I hope good journalists ask the election deniers which company they are referring to, so they can be held accountable if they’re untrue.
Watching him screw over the person dumb enough to vouch for him would be hilarious
Also, it will be when he loses his appeal
Hope he drops out early after making some deals with the Biden team to benefit disadvantaged Americans.
If he siphons anywhere near enough to tilt the election to Trump people will hate him until he dies, deservedly.
Electrons, why do you behave differently when I’m looking at you?
I saw part of his comedy special… conservative comedy is just awful
They quietly complied with the requirements
Impressive, well done!
It’s okay bros, you will try again the next week. Reaching your goals doesn’t happen in a day. We just have to keep getting back on the horse, no matter how long that cheat day was.
I think he knows better, Habba is just an idiot
This is my favourite part of the story arc until the future possibility that Trump gets home arrest or loses his fortune
Thankyou, I need to watch Barnyard now. Also, I heard Foodfight was terrible and it’s in my list to watch
I fucking bing’d something the other day to get a better search result. What the fuck google.