• 18 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2021


  • I live in Morocco. I keep leaving Facebook for months but I end up going back there even though I don’t like it at all. The reason is that all the people I know and all local content is available only through Facebook. There are hardly any Moroccans on the Fediverse, I’ve only seen like one other person in all my years of using Mastodon. If I wanna see what’s going on in the country, the city and anything related to the region then I am obliged to be on Facebook. I suppose this is the case with most developing and non-english speaking countries.

  • nobloat@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.ml#memes
    1 year ago

    The Arabic “muakhirah” means something like “the behind”. Funny enough, it shares some roots with the word “muta’akhir” which means “being late” and “akhir” which means “the latest”. It’s polite and used even in some dialects to just refer politely to it. Every dialect though has other specific words that are more vulgar. Some are different in every country. Egyptians would use “Tiz” to refer to it and Moroccans would use the more vulgar “Zok”. Middle Eastern countries also often use “Tiz”.

  • I don’t think it’s the content of what he is saying that his supporters are drawn to. Trump has succeeded in positing himself as a victim of the “woke left” and the “establishment”. His entire project relies on this vehement opposition. He actually needs the political correctness because his opposition to it is what sustains him. There are theoretical studies of this, like for example Todd McGowan theory of left and right enjoyment. The enjoyment of the right is this enjoyment of transgression, the utterly childish thing of “I am gonna say exactly what you tell me not to say”. The more dumb shit he says the more it goes up. This is what some leftists do not get. You’ll never defeat Trump by showing that he said something bad and "transgressive ". This is exactly his appeal. The right succeeds in making a weird move. They cast the leftist as the “parent figure” that’s out there trying to steal your enjoyment. “You can’t say anything anymore these days”. Ironically the right is the moralizing position, but they succeeded in casting the left as this moralizing figure and we play right into their hands. The early leftist transgressive “hippy” figure has been replaced, in popular imagination, by the uptight professor telling you what you can and can’t say, and you saying it anyway and bonding with the class through that very prohibition.

  • The media is milking the Trump hysteria for all its worth. The headline is usually “omg Trump said this bad bad thing” but if you see what he says it’s usually nothing. Don’t get me wrong, he does say some dumb shit but it’s insane how they jump on every word he says. Recently I saw the headline of him commenting about a shooting and saying it’s a tragedy and we should move on, which is awkward but could easily have been said by anyone. The move on part is usually said in tragedies as well. But it’s depicted as if he said “omg just move on already” I am actually a leftist and I don’t like Trump but this is absolutely insane.

  • nobloat@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    FOSS generally puts more pressure on people to write better and safer code, because you know everyone is going to look at it. Even when vulnerabilities are found, they are usually fixed so fast compared to the proprietary side. There are stories of people waiting 6 months for Microsoft to fix a vulnerability, while an Openssh or openssl issue is usually fixed in a few days.

  • What kind of value does Twitter actually bring to a politician? I think we tend to overestimate how much Twitter does influence politics of any kind. People who will support a politician will support them and people who don’t will not, Twitter will rarely sway anyone to a different position. Is it necessary to keep posting about every opinion you have constantly? If that’s what being politically active is, then politics has devolved beyond repair.

  • I think it’s because if dumb people commenting about every little change of appearance. Sadly we live in one of those places where people comment on these things all the time. They told her she is to thin before now they tell her she gained weight. There’s no way to win with them, and sadly usually they are close family members that you can’t just avoid.

  • I think it’s due to comments from people. She was underweight before because she hardly ate anything. She’s now much better than before but people keep mentioning how she changed. It’s really dumb when people keep commenting about your appearance, but I gets to her sometimes. The same people were telling her she needs to gain weight before. ( we are in a developing country where these comments are sadly so normalized)