The first movie is hella better as it is a cyberhorror movie at its core. The second movie is not as good in any capacity.
The first movie is hella better as it is a cyberhorror movie at its core. The second movie is not as good in any capacity.
Believe it or not, in the age those tankies lived, shit wasn’t easy. Trying to sabotage every meaningful conversation by hur dur tanky stuff is rather more braindead than being a conservative. Political change is messy, violent and fucked up in nature. Tankies committed atrocities and also provided some great shit to people who had nothing, like free healthcare and education, abortion rights and in 2 decades became an industrial nation.
Did they did a lot of wrongs? Yeah. Should we learn from them, yeah, did they also delivered, well they delivered, although with great price.
I’m typing this from a country so fucked up economically and politically, that you westerners won’t understand. But trying to magnify and dilute the conversation with weird moral optics does not make lives of us 3rd worlders easier. You want to ride your moral high horse while every political inaction will stump hundreds in a minute.
This is just a very braindead take. Not all types of authoritarian mindset are reactionary. Red fascism is an absurd take which was originated by CIA propaganda in the 50s.
Your critique of authoritarian states, does not make them equal. That is a centerist take that smells like a moral jerk off ritual.
I find your innocence thinking the western narrative is not managed by CIA bots and shills, a bit cute. Just look at any discourse regarding Israel and Palestine and see how braindead liberals become bloodthirsty af when they realize many in the world don’t share their worldview.
It means that may your soul rest in peace, has nothing to do with the actual body lol.