Guessing it’s not for the calendar year?
I mean lab rats live longer and get all the food and sex they want, not too shabby.
“We killed those kids in self defense.”
-Israel, probably.
I’ll believe it when they release the source code, so for now I’d remain skeptical until it’s reproduced.
Many people do, but the whole point of the movie was that the prosecution didn’t go far enough to stop the original perpetrators. The whole point of the ending was that the entire law enforcement system came together to try to determine what it would take to stop one person, and when he tried to stop that he signed his own death warrant.
You mean after the infidelity and after the porn star scandal? Please. They pick the ideals they want to care about.
Yup, ordinarily it’s shoot to neutralize the threat. Looks like his shot saved the kids life.
The high tech toys deployed by NATO don’t rely on conventional artillery nearly to the extent it’s utilized in Ukraine, and it’s farcical to claim as much.
Artillery has been the focus of headlines because the military doctrine of Russia and Ukraine relies heavily upon its use. While conventional stockpiles of shells are depleted, it’s production will increase over time and will occur independent of additional military preparation. This is not the ammunition for the bulk of NATO forces.
NATO has an entire modern arsenal of weaponry that is incompatible with Ukraine’s weapons, waiting within arms reach. They’re in talks to acquire F-16s, which are considerably dated compared to the modern stealth fighters, not to mention the stocks of munitions. Ukraine received 31 Abrams tanks. The US alone has thousands, with large numbers considered for retirement due to their age. Not to mention the numbers of infantry fighting vehicles and crews that have trained on all of these systems for years, unlike the rushed training afforded by Ukrainian troops.
They’re already relying on mass conscription to fill their ranks, rapidly approaching the bottom of the barrel.
Russia is breaking things out of storage for their widespread conscripted force usage. They were getting their ass handed to them with NATOs leftovers, and somehow we’re supposed to believe NATO is in danger? The first gulf war demonstrated how Russian tech stacks up against trillions in military expenditure.
That’s strange, I could have sworn they were using a magic 8-ball.
Sell all your gear, take a long trip, come back to profit?
If it’s anything like Mass Effect, you can hop around planets within a solar system relatively quickly without huge effects on dilation, recall we’re mere minutes from the Sun. Traveling between solar systems however will result in far greater effects due to the much larger distance between them.
It’s hysterical being sent hundreds of meters in the air by your teams explosions, most fun I’ve had in years.
Don’t forget some marketing costs are allowed to count as R&D.
No, neuron DNA isn’t passed to offspring.
A mile wide, but inches deep.
Sounds about right, not many stores can stay in business without turning a profit. This article pretty much says the same thing.
Why keep pictures of Zaluzhny in the thumbnail? It’s kinda obnoxious.