He has family members and toadies on the board
another Reddit refugee
He has family members and toadies on the board
And he’ll probably have another one shortly. Plenty of assholes out there who will make money off of him until it becomes untenable… then someone on a lower tier will pick him up
You really think it’s the owner and not some poor, underpaid schmuck manning the register?
Dude can’t even get a proper fitting suit or shirt. He looks like someone who had to borrow his outfit for court
Before we figured out tools and became apex predators we were prey animals… we’re SUPPOSED to be nervous and scared because that’s what kept us alive. Some people have speculated that this is why in aggregate humans are prone to being spiteful, destructive, bored, and shitty
I could be a racist piece of shit and drop the n word. If a black person then turns around and calls all white people racist pieces of shit, we’re both bigots
Except… 2 people being assholes when the power dynamic is still very stilted is NOT a level playing field. Context matters. You’re not some enlightened sigma with this hot take.
Suffer a few generations of systemic oppression and you might get the parity you think you have
I’ll make the argument that they neither think nor care. They got their political W and have moved on to some new, bright, shiny fuckery
Yeah, they’re fine for what they are, but I’ll take that over shitting myself inside out by eating wheat
Domino’s hates selling smalls
Yet that’s the only size they sell their gluten free pies in. I rarely buy from there (my kid considers it a treat) but I hate paying $15 for plain 10" gf pizza that’s mid at best
Kinda shitty that Dominos has it set up so that tip is calculated on top of the delivery and service fees. Tipping on the value of food, I understand. Tipping on the cost of those other fees is double dipping and bad faith in my opinion.
Seriously, “y’all charged me a service fee to deliver my food? Cool! Let me tip you for that!”
Having done time in the service industry, I have no problem tipping where it’s warranted, but you’re tipping the Dominos corporation for their fuckery at that point, not the driver
It’s even more fun as Christopher Walken
It was only because of that ignominy that he became an icon… why take that away?
I don’t disagree necessarily with your take on Boba Fett. I think it’s distractingly annoying how the current Star Wars universe shoehorns Mandalorians into any story they can because of Fett
I think it’s Joachim Phoenix’s character’s son, but yeah…
The first one is just about some folks who like cars stealing DVD players
Not even… CRT TV/VCR combos
Andor is a slow burn. It doesn’t bloom until they’re in prison
Boba Fett came back in the books which… aren’t cannon, but a lot of the cooler elements have been borrowed and shoehorned in (ie Thrawn)
I didn’t have a problem with it. I just think the show fumbled that story pretty hard.
Kenobi… man. I was excited, but honestly… the fight with Vader just fucked up so much of the continuity for me. You knew nothing was at stake because they’d have to fight later in ANH. Also, it completely invalidated Vader’s while tirade about “last time we met, you were the master” because Vader effectively kicked his ass. It was a meh story that didn’t need to happen IMHO
That “woke” shit is so fucking stupid. Rogue One has a pretty obviously gay couple and that movie is universally loved. One can even make the argument that when the empire was in charge that OF FUCKING COURSE gay people wouldn’t be out. It’s even cannon that the empire was racist towards non humans.
If the stories are good, fans will eat it up. That some reprobate is butthurt because a main character isn’t a straight, white dude is the dumbest shit.
Conversely, I hope this series is good, because if it isn’t, I won’t want to talk about it and inadvertently join the chorus of those mouthbreathers who are all screaming go woke go broke when legitimate criticisms with that show have NOTHING to do with that
I’ve seen plenty of tankies “defend Russia” M8. Especially on lemmy fucking tons of erm
I feel like it’s the same dozen howling assholes.
Me personally fuck Putin and fuck zelensky. I don’t care who wins
Yeah, you lost me there… Last time the world tried appeasing an asshole with conquest delusions in the hope they’d cut it out it didn’t work out to well
I mean… tankies are to leftists what the Westboro Baptist Church are to Christians.
Sucks to suck