It is Fast!, and also, (it is secure 🔒)
It is Fast!, and also, (it is secure 🔒)
I recently picked up a pipe. It has all the rituals and escapism of a cigar, without the hour-long commitment.
That being said, sometimes being”occupied” for an hour is part of the appeal. Each has their place ime.
But then arr.length == the last index, and that’s just too convenient :(
The good old days. We ate berries in the woods; enjoyed the company of whomever we pleased; and worshipped the moon simply because it was cool.
Then we invented turbotax and multi-factor authentication :(
Is American Pragmatism a thing? If you explain it to me, will I feel better about myself?
Devops is a meaningful term
Your current setting is the “loopback” address. You’re listening for traffic to this address, and the only thing that can send to the loopback is yourself. This is a safe default, it means only the computer running the software can talk to it. Generally listens on all available addresses. If that doesn’t work, use your local / internal ip.
This ui smells like it’s trying to hide the implementation details, but that makes things extremely difficult when troubleshooting
You can reduce doorknob turning dramatically by running on a non-standard port.
Scanners love 80 and 443, and they really love 20, but not so much 4263.
I used to run a landing page on my domain with buttons to either the request system / jellyfin viva la reverse proxy. If you’re paranoid about it, tie nginx to a waf. If you’re extra paranoid, you’ll need some kind of vpn / ip allow-listing
This is hilarious and I would donate to help make it happen
Hello yes my email is dot at dotat dot at
Phone picture album roll? Photo reel? Downloads folder! But on a phone. Apple hates calling things folders idk lol
Excellent! Thank you :)
This sounds incredible and I absolutely will find these people. Cooking my porkchops to a lower temperature and letting them rest before eating has changed my life.
My friend, you have no idea how much time I have spent searching for something like this on google. This is incredibly useful. I have saved this to my camera roll.
Naturally searching anything with “chicken” and “cook” present returns hundreds of recipe websites or food safety “articles” that all copy and paste “the fda says 165” with no further thought.
I knew a chart like this must exist, but had given up the search. Sincerely, thank you.
That looks promising. Just keep in mind that this will take a very long time to run. I believe there is a *arr out there that can manage this / show progress, but the name escapes me
Are you telling me that pop tarts are not in fact ravioli?
Thank you, that’s an excellent read! This reminds me of the “expected value of perfect information” - sometimes it is worthwhile to answer a question, and sometimes it isn’t. Every once in a while I find myself in an engineering call discussing a minor problem, and I run the numbers to see if the change we are discussing is even worth talking about. One time the combined salaries of the people on the call had already outpaced the cost savings of the change over the next 10 years. We quickly stopped that discussion lol