I’m not sure that’s what actually happend. But regardless
“I’m not sure this fact is true, I won’t do any research about it, now let me tell you more about what I think”
you are a clown
If America were to go to war with Satan, I would side with Satan as America is the greater Satan
I’m not sure that’s what actually happend. But regardless
“I’m not sure this fact is true, I won’t do any research about it, now let me tell you more about what I think”
you are a clown
Yemen has already been able to outright capture two and strike two so far. This isn’t a hypothetical, “what will Yemen do”, it’s what they’re already doing.
Another factor here is, people on the far right like ethno-states. They want their own ethnostate and they would also like Jews to go away, so it’s a win-win for them. They get to point to a modern ethnostate as a model (see Zelensky talking about Israel being the model for Ukraine’s future) and whitewash their own antisemitism through their support for zionism.
Every $ donated to Ukraine gives them support and a better chance to end the war against Russia
There has never been a point during that conflict where Ukraine ever had a chance against Russia. There is no positive outcome for Ukraine. More money just means more death.
giving weapons to nazis trying to extend a completely un-winnable war saves nobody’s life
To all the upstart website-havers: no, you probably don’t actually need to use cloudflare
None, just liberals willing to go along to get along with fascists. Which you are.
if you’re incapable of seeing perspectives outside the mainstream I hear Reddit is nice this time of year
A few weeks of NATO training and then sending them into minefields without sufficient artillery support or any air support at all is absolutely, 100%, throwing away lives. Particularly since anybody not huffing their own farts has known from day one that Russia would be able to keep any land they really want, there is no path to victory for Ukraine and there never has been without direct NATO intervention.
I’m pretty sure once Ukraine has thrown away enough lives trying to get to the first line of defense, Russia is going to use their mobilized army to roll up the coast line all the way up to Transnistria.
well you seem upset that an archaeologist suggested it was likely a woman, so something made you mad