Is that pointed at us or a mirror?
Is that pointed at us or a mirror?
What do you think “America” is? Its a societal mindset and ideology which are held by various subsets of the population. Ultimately, we can’t rely on half the country to do shit if we want to enact change, they need to be dragged kicking and screaming into a free society with a strong middle class. Its not enough that we can convince them to join because egg prices are high, or their pet government project was cut because we’re just going to end up back in the same place in 10-15 years when they forget. We need durable change enacted by principled leaders who we need to raise into seats of power and continue to hold accountable.
It also isn’t one man. Its a large swath of people afraid of perceived change, along with opportunists who want to be the future king’s puppeteers that are happily playing into old prejudicial narratives to drum up support. He’s not some mastermind who can do this without think tanks to come up with concrete plans like project 2025. Remember, he got 77 million votes. That’s not a radical subset, and we can’t plead ignorance or assumed he would have fallen into line once elected, we already had 4 years of this dictator wannabe.
I don’t think we should be petty, I think we should be very specific in our critiques and what is and is not acceptable in a free society. You’re allowed to be an asshole, you’re allowed to not like mexican food, you can even support stronger border controls, be against federally backed student loans or think USAID should be defunded or be opposed to abortion. You can’t be willing to throw out the entire system of government in order to achieve those goals and have me willing to consider you a fellow American. The basic rules of engagement need to be something that is held sacred and it needs to be built around the empowerment of individuals with strong controls against undue influence.
Someone with a billion dollars should not have a louder voice than a collection of tens of millions of US citizens with a combined net worth of 1 billion dollars. Neither party’s leadership believes our country should run on these fundamentals, so who else is going to fight for this?
We do not stand together, a subset of the population is standing in support for a free and equal society, while others are just trying to get one up on their neighbors and yet more are just standing around willfully ignorant to this conflict with their fingers in their ears afraid of being uncomfortable until they are eventually forced to care.
So Trump is not acting based on goals he has for the US, he is acting on goals for the global oligarchy, doesn’t matter if you’re a Canadian or US billionaire he wants you to be able to continue exploiting.
If putting Canada under the jurisdiction of a more compliant country like the US makes that easier great, if instead the conservative parties in Canada can be propped up great. You have plenty of MAGAs in Canada, They’re not just in the US, so we all could do some house cleaning. The US is just the cautionary tale.
As someone in the US living in a very progressive district, the general vibe of Democratic voters is what we should have gotten 8 years ago and even now I still get people saying we need to be more moderate and reach across the aisle.
There is nothing for us across the aisle. Without a fundamental rework of the minority party we just end up back here 10-15 years later because fundamental issues aren’t solved and miserable people are easier to sell racist exploitative policies too. If you are comfortable and secure you’re more likely to support helping others without worrying about it putting you on the streets.
I held my nose and voted blue no matter who, but there needs to be some consequences to supporting genocide. If Democratic leaders are going to hide behind bureaucracy then we need to go around it or we’re on the hook for whatever human rights abuses are done in our name.
I don’t think he actually cares about Canada specifically. The point is to alienate the US from its allies and reduce any kind of powerful diplomatic mediators or military deterrents so Russia and similar traditionally colonial powers can just start seizing whatever territory they want.
Avacado prices REALLY depend on where you live and what season. If you’re in most of California, its a lot easier to get cheap avacados that are also high quality.
I’m all for dunking on elon, but you really shouldn’t have put any of the children’s pictures and especially not names in there and left them all as shadows.
I mean, most musicians would also be flattered that someone is sampling and remixing their work for that purpose.
That’s called politicking, which they absolutely should be doing.
You’re indirectly getting laws through by twisting arms and making deals instead of just having a majority.
Plenty have been directly pressuring Republican congresspeople by rallying in their district like Sanders did this last week.
Direct legislative action is difficult without control, but in terms of effective messaging and pressuring Republicans by threatening the midterms is probably one of the more effective strategies they have.
Its not like they’re terrible and you need to power through, the early chapters go through arcs pretty quickly, and other than syrup village I don’t think any are really bad, just not quite the peak that justifies reading 1000+ chapters, but if you don’t think by the end of the first 50 or so chapters there’s anything to offer, and aren’t loving it by 100 then its probably not for you.
Like Baratie has some pretty epic battles, really great character moments in orange town, and Arlong Park is when it really hits its stride.
Tbf, it didn’t have the Nazi connotation then. It’s like how the meaning of the Swastika has changed over time. It been common in Hindu and Buddhist iconography for over a thousand years.
I like to say, if you don’t like the East Blue Saga, its probably not for you, but you kind of need to power through some of the earlier arcs as the author establishes the world and tone. If you don’t like it because Syrup Village is kind of a mess, you could easily miss out on a great series.
If watching 100hrs implies you enjoy it, then of course if you watch enough of it you will eventually enjoy it. You’re just not big brained enough to understand media literacy.
Damn, didn’t even get laid, just Virgin Marie’d it.
I have a roll of coins in my pocket, but I’m happy to see you so I can give you these coins. I also have a massive erection.
Erections are no joke. You could poke an eye out with one of those.
The drug was likely out in human trials for years before it was approved, and they likely could see the recovery was commensurate with a normal human lifespan.