Like like they’re maybe trying to avoid the hate crime charge via an insanity plea…?
Like like they’re maybe trying to avoid the hate crime charge via an insanity plea…?
Appears to be the 50501 protest thing 50 protests, 50 states, one day. It’s a coordinated peaceful protest at each state capital against project 2025.
We are Hive. We are Legion. And you are One of Us. The crier of “Sheeple,” harbinger of individualism.
You, too, are Legion.
I am only a humble instrument of The Community; I bring only what must be said, and it would have been said without me. We are inevitable.
You’re allowed to say pussy
Ok now I need to run a cfd sim to check the terminal velocity of a car…
Learn some f*cking trigger discipline! One bump in the road and… yeah no, not good.
But there shouldn’t be an apostrophe there… it’s = it is, its = posessive.
“Church’s role in harming kids…”
That’s a funny way to spell “church officials raping kids…”
Editorial watering down like this is disgusting. Even if it wasn’t intentional, if you as the reporter aren’t comfortable calling sexual abuse rape in a headline and have to water it down to “harm,” that’s another reason to keep it full-strength. If it makes people mad, good. The truth should make people mad in cases like this.
Correct! Thank you for catching that, I accidentally put it in third declension. So yes Wuges. I was referencing when second declension nouns borrowed into English sometimes remain -i for the plural (as in radii, stimuli etc.) So Wugus, Wugi.
Oh yeah and sometimes it’s actually Greek causing irregulars (looking at you, criteria)…
Wugs, if its an Anglo root, unless it’s derived from Latin “Wug*, wugīs” in which case there are two Wugi (wûg-eye). Unless its one of the random Latin words where we don’t do that and it’s still “wugs.” Unless it’s a loanword from germanic then we might anglicise it or we might say “wugar.” Because eNgLIsH iS EaSY…
Isn’t a machine drinking oil the equivalent of a human pouring a glass of blood? Are all oleovorous robots vampires?