Further proof C++ is a pita
Further proof C++ is a pita
Unfortunately he was a dick
Ironically it will probably be bass pro that outlives the pyramids. !RemindMe 3000 years
Since nothing will happen, I’m surprised they don’t just declare everything as bragging rights. It would be unpatriotic not to splash the cash that you have received because you, and America, are clearly in God’s favour according to the Prosperity Gospel.
Honestly I’m not even mad at the sex pests in this scenario. It’s whoever thought sending these girls was a good idea
This shit is getting deep
I smashed that upvote button so hard. Whip that llamas ass
Bad luck Brian:
1 day left on prison sentence. Dies. Resuscitated.
But dumpster fires can be entertaining
Have you considered making your deck building game an mmorpg?
Meta af
Makes me wonder how many times I’ve been replaced. Also makes me wonder if I just died yesterday and today I’m actually a new person. I have no evidence that yesterday happened except for a memory of it, and let’s face it, since it was a public holiday, that’s a pretty foggy memory
I draw the line at needle drugs for kids
Trump literally wears a nappy and shits himself on the regular… And has done for at least as long as the apprentice
This is fantastic
Some people seem to get off on taking longer than necessary
Oh I always thought the lyrics were “we’re not gonna make it” and I was like yeah,that tracks
You joke but they might have exactly something like that. Or he can only do cumshots over both their faces