I watched the first few minutes just to see what it was about, and then 4 hours had passed.
It’s the font that does it.
I love his pistol-sword?
It’s hideous. I love it.
I would very buy that.
I’m reading this jealously from an E16.
Reply All: Hello?
Thank you. I came looking for this exact comment.
Does the FBI have an entire department dedicated to Trump related investigations?
Send a message to their help desk saying you got an email confirmation and would like to cancel it. Act very confused about the situation. Waste their time and make it their problem.
Maybe it’s just a really high resolution?
Right?! That is a very reasonable request.
It looks like history is available.
Alan Tudyk was my first thought too.
I am also here for the Paw Patrol lore.
How do I subscribe to your dreams?
I used some for YouTube Premium. It’s a nice little break from all of the adds.
Hold me closer tiny panther.