Another version I’ve heard is “When you suspect a conspiracy you often only find incompetence”
Another version I’ve heard is “When you suspect a conspiracy you often only find incompetence”
We call those Clag nuts or Dangle berries.
Only boring people get bored.
Utter nonsense but it was said to my boy by a junior school teacher. Was an interesting conversation when I talked to her at parent teacher day.
In the server world, yes. The desktop is the place that needs to be won over.
Their recent Minecraft stuff has been quite fun. I miss the yogslabs stuff.
YouTube is your friend of course. But the main thing is practice often. Your fingers will hurt but they will get better.
Learn pentatonic scales. And music theory is worth learning as well, but start with easy songs you actually want to play.
I’ve played since junior school (1980’s). Since then I just learnt songs best I could but never very well. 4 years ago I got an instructor. More than anything this forces you to practice. I’m now almost proud of my own guitar skills, so this year I treated myself to a beautiful Taylor guitar.
I have the ring doorbell and a home blob which I only use to play the doorbell tune in the house. It is 50/50 luck if the tune plays when someone presses the doorbell button.
I’ve been using a password manager for years, and.I’d be lost without it, but honestly I think this is a temporary solution. What I want to see is a no password future, and just use the code given by your MFA app. Forget having a password at all. Interestingly Microsoft has been pushing for this and you can already drop passwords for personal 365 stuff I think.
Yeah, no. Computers don’t care if a password is complex or not. It can’t read “words”. That complexity stuff was introduced because humans think like humans, and wanted to force people to use words not easily found in a dictionary. Security is about password length, so +@#£h&1g/?!:h&£( is equally as vulnerable to a brute force attack as abcdefgh1234567 because of how modern encryption works, it I length that counts.
It is good advice to use a formula to build memorable passwords. I like a simple sentence you can type them without thinking about, as this also won’t appear in a dictionary (avoid famous movie quotes, use something meaningful to you).
Fact is complex passwords created a new security risk; the written down password. Also, frequent forced password changes made it worse. Most businesses only ask staff to change passwords every 3 to 6 months these days. And web sites.never asks you to change your password.
The dirty (not so secret) secret is that, the biggest risk to security is not how complex your password is, but how easy it is to trick people into just giving away access to their accounts.
These days MFA is what makes logon credentials safer and passkeys are slowly proving that passwords themselves are not worth it for most systems.
tl;dr - complex passwords are a throwback and not better than long memorable ones like 1Verycrappycode!
Will they still get service support, it being a grey import?
Did you watch the one with Decker’s voiceover, or without?
Apparently the common experience is watching it without voiceover first makes it harder to watch. But watching it with voiceover first makes rewatching it without, more interesting. Or something like that.
Gymnastics. Seriously. You don’t need to be all that athletic to do the core basics. You get fitter and have fun just throwing yourself onto big soft mats.
Put words together into sentences that make me sound like a grown-up.
Put the ball into an open net in Rocket League.
The music. The early 90s saw the rise of independent record labels which then gave rise to bands who wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise, aka Indie Music. After the 60s, the 90s is by far the best era for modern music ever.
Now, now!
I have the same problem the other way around. When I use chrome it feels like I’m using a kids browser. Slightly cutesy with too many curvy bits. Sort of like the difference between Duplo (chrome) and Lego (Firefox). Basically the same thing, but also not.
Rocket League, and lots of other games, seem to have stayed on Reddit.
I’m waiting for the day when these enhanced terminals go full GUI and mouse driven.