It still costs money for hardware and hosting. Scraping web and training AI ain’t cheap.
It still costs money for hardware and hosting. Scraping web and training AI ain’t cheap.
Do you have an idea what attracts you to her?
Do you know how humans choose their partners?
\We usually choose ones that wake up our traumas. It is known emotion for us and looks like attraction, especially sexually. Yeah, we are quite perverse. You know that old idiom “similar to your mother”, yeah but not physically or obviously. For me it was that my mother, contrary to what she is saying, hated her father. That also means she hates all man, including her son (me). Keep in mind she is not aware of any of this hate. So until I discovered that, I was attracted to women that hated their father in the same way my mother did. They also hated, and were attracted to, all man. You can imagine how difficult those relationships are.
Go get her, you will have your hearth broken. And it is worth it. But also find some psychotherapist to help you with solving this issue so that next one will be the one that is kind to you.
Sorry for seeing the comments now, but it’s never too late hopefully.
Therapy helped me. Looking back first important step was noticing that I am angry. It is strange how hidden and unrecognizable anger can be.
Second part is discovering why I was angry. As soon as we discover why are we angry, we stop being angry. When ai asked my shrink how does that work, he said “I don’t know, but it works”. And it really does.
Now when someone says “I am angery and I know why I am angre” I am sure they have no idea.
And I haven’t found other way to resolve that, than psychoanalysis as therapy.
Thabk you for explanation. That is the problem with journalists, they don’t share important piece of information and just awake rage in readers.
What is also not mentioned - how is it treated?
I don’t know about that kind of medicine, but resolve your repressed anger and depression will disappear.
I think they are selling hardware on reduced price so they can make money on cloud services. And by spying and selling customer data.
The problem is that investors want to invest in data collection, not in making new hardware and service.
I enjoy some of his music. And respect following he created.
You should take a look at his drawings, search a little for those. Example: https://www.gottahaverockandroll.com/jim_morrison_original_pencil_drawing_circa_1957-lot7524.aspx
By that and other information, sounds to me like he had hard childhood and unhappy life.
Information about him is not as easy to just find, but biography might be interesting read.
Ferrari tends to look good in testing, but fail to deliver.
Would be great if we at least get good fight for second place.
For me it depends where on the spectrum they are and how old they are. Some older people are totally normal for my definition of normal and would have hard time to explain difference between them and just some introvert.
Sadly I know few kids with autism and while I know that it is autism, to tell you the truth they seam stupid (low inteligence) or something like that. They do not speak, there is no reasoning with them, no explanation from them even at 5 yo.
I usually doubt it is just autism and think there must be some teauma too, since their parents are not really good parents.
I hope they will learn to speak or communicate in some way, because like this they will not be able to take care of themselves.
First thought is that you need to do that research aa soon as you move to the new house, change your insurance or job.
Second is obvious, strange county you have over there. But I guess most of the people are satisfied with that, as with paying for school.
Thanks for that thought, I was confused who is arguing so much for nuclear that is not solving anything and is too expensive.
Shilling makes a lot of sense, but never came to me.
And downvotes without explanation, even here. I guess normal people are also under influence.
There are also gravity batteries: https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/02/06/this-disused-mine-in-finland-is-being-turned-into-a-gravity-battery-to-store-renewable-ene
The gravity energy system would be able to store 2MW of power and integrate into the local energy grid. … Scientists from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) found that the world’s abandoned mine shafts could store up to 70TWh of power - roughly the equivalent of global daily electricity consumption.
Also in Finland, but different technology “sand batteries” https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-61996520
Finnish researchers have installed the world’s first fully working “sand battery” which can store green power for months at a time.
The developers say this could solve the problem of year-round supply, a major issue for green energy.
Using low-grade sand, the device is charged up with heat made from cheap electricity from solar or wind. The sand stores the heat at around 500C, which can then warm homes in winter when energy is more expensive.
While I think there is still no working production model, Iron Salt Batteries are very promising https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_redox_flow_battery
There are different options, not each one is suitable for every place, but seams possible that combination can help us achieve needed reduction in fossil fuel usage when sun is down and no wind.
While being right about crypto being meaningless for some people (I guess there are people valuing hope in decentralized monetary system, even if it is misplaced.), you failed to mention that most of other industries are equally meaningless and good part of them are even harmful: fashion, fast food, industrial food, banking - in a way we have it, cars in current form(no need for this huge tanks)…
In comparation crypto is just wasteful and isn’t harming anyone.
Even people in those local governments might see some of the videos and start thinking.
A lot of people are not corrupted evil politicians, they often just don’t know any better.
I have learned a lot from those video, examples, good and bad, from around the world that I share with people around me. I hope they will share and at some point someone that has power will hear it too.
I am using linux for 20+ years and don’t understand what they said. And I don’t even want to, I was using wine to run open source software before flatpak, when I need it once a year.
It is not like Israel needs any help, and I don’t think that we are all incapable of following two different events.
If we are talking about theories, it can also be that west created it so that people’s attention goes away of Ukraine since it is just a big fiasco.
Why wouldn’t they? It just measures electrical resistance of the soil, less moisture means more resistance. Nice and simple.
I have cheap one connected to arduino, and small water pump conected to it too. It works nicely.
Which brend and model didyou get?
I always wondered why they haven’t been doing it from the start, seams like it is not as simple as I imagine.
People will take it, there is no other option and G is working hard not to allow another video platform.
Problem is ads they are playing are awful and loud. We will make way to silent them and black them out, it is not hard.
Bigger problem is content they are pushing is getting bad and is pushing creators into burnout. And I don’t want to see videos companies are creating, but want individual contributions.