Holy fuck, “seen”.
I honestly think that using this word incorrectly has gotten worse over the last few years. Hearing someone say, “yeah, I seen her yesterday” just makes me want to punch the wall.
Holy fuck, “seen”.
I honestly think that using this word incorrectly has gotten worse over the last few years. Hearing someone say, “yeah, I seen her yesterday” just makes me want to punch the wall.
At least X is for xylophone.
Because X is always for xylophone.
Hobbes obviously tied him up.
I’ve always seen Hobbes similar to the toys in Toy Story, but Calvin is the only one he shows himself to.
What the fuck are the moderators even there for?
So much time is being taken with, “let me keep talking about the question from ten minutes ago and ignore what you just asked.”
Sorry people with children. The question that focused on your issues were just skipped over.
Agreed. He’s not putting on a good showing.
Biden is on point for the topics, where Trump is just full of shit, but he needs to slow down. One might think he really is on some kind of speed.
It flies under the radar, but I really liked him as the crooked warden in Lock Up.
But if it’s locked up, it takes too much work when you want to wave it around feeling badass.
And to think they got away with it.
I made the mistake of juicing raw potatoes once, figuring the other vegetable juices like beets and carrots would mask any of the potato flavor.
Won’t ever do that again.
Funny how surgeons don’t seem to have the problems this flyer describes.
And I better not open this person’s closet and find a single scarf.
How anyone can still believe this shit just confounds me.
I’m so fucking embarrassed for my state right now.
This makes two assbag comments just in the past three days.
Most of us here really are rational, normal people.
Not “Eclipse”, the last track from Dark Side. Just over two minutes, which will a little longer than the amount of time my area will have totality.
If only we had vaccines for this.
Oh, wait.
Damnit… And Ricky owed me $20. That bastard always manages to find some way to not pay me back.
Tell me someone is ‘fuck you rich’ without telling me they’re ‘fuck you rich’.
And his buddy, “collaboration”.
But what is animal consciousness in terms of being self-aware? Pigs are damn smart, but I’m not sure they’re on the list of animals that exhibit self-awareness.
Also, the article merely states that blood flow to the brain was interrupted, not that the head was removed, which, I’m guessing, is why brain activity was largely unchanged.
If the head was still attached to the spine, then I would assume that all the nerves were still functioning normally. As normal as they would in an anesthetized pig that is, with no interference from outside stimulus. In this study, the animal was quietly sleeping. I can’t imagine any reputable doctor of science today doing such a thing to a conscious animal or human.
And, in one of the linked articles, it talks about how this research can further work on better life saving techniques for humans by developing much better blood and oxygen machines used during complicated surgeries.
So long as the animal is treated respectfully, I have no issue in using animals for research that help human medicine.
Too dangerous. You might mis-judge the amount and just end up having a good time.
How well does this 3rd party shuffler work? I’m always a bit leery about giving out access to my Spotify playlists, but if I can get better shuffles that do not somehow repeat the same tracks I heard yesterday (out of thousands), I may try it.
Archon - C64