Read myth of sisyphus BEFORE the stranger please. But yea camus is great
Read myth of sisyphus BEFORE the stranger please. But yea camus is great
While all this is going on, I’d also like to point out that grants are being flagged for being “woke” by this anti-DEI nonsense. Grants that have to do with cancer, physics, eclipses, and so on.
DEI is just a dogwhistle.
It’s either singlish or manglish, English dialects found exclusively in Singapore/Malaysia. You can read that as “where tf”
Excuse me, I see a fellow IDM enjoyer. Any recommendations for me?
GIMP does look better now, but I feel like its workflow is actively working against the user experience.
Can someone tell me how to force Google drive to show me folders instead of files on start? Why would I ever need to look at a mess of files? I spend time organizing them into folders a reason, no thanks Google I really wanted them haphazardly thrown in my face.
Patiently waiting for the massive download to complete while I read the patch notes!
Can I just say thank fuck I found someone else who doesn’t like three body problem.
It’s not just the heavy handed politics. It’s literally everything about the book. Narrative devices used are absolutely garbage. Oh there’s a video game for some reason, and people LARP as Newton and Qin Shih Huang down to their exact personalities. Why the fuck?
In the second book there’s an entire section dedicated to the protag’s fantasies. A woman should have at most a Bachelor’s so she’s smart but not smart enough (paraphrased). What the fuck? And don’t get me started on the suicide bomb strat that immediately saw the Muslims and Japanese roped in.
The characters are incredibly dull. They just do one thing, but they don’t even do that well. Oh here’s Mr. Army guy; personality: army salute-y pragmatic unfeeling. The only character that has an added dimension would be Da Shi the policeman, but adding one more dimension to a point simply results in a plane.
People claim he had innovative ideas for sci-fi. They do realise that the Dark Forest Hypothesis was proposed by someone other than cixin, right?
This turned out to be a rant – could you tell I hate-read this book cause it pissed me off to no end?
I never expected a Hollow Knight reference here
Also that machine only works under very specific circumstances, so you fear changing anything in case your entire protocol breaks and you have to start from scratch.
You hate animals thus avoid them at all costs?
Who the fuck downvoted you? I’ve never encountered anyone bullying fat people in the gym before. Maybe these memers should actually go visit a gym.
I’m upset that HiFi Rush didn’t win anything at all
Tunic is amazing! Although the combat feels very clunky (maybe I’m spoiled by sekiro).
Thankfully, you can just turn on reduced difficulty, since the beauty of the game lies not in the slow combat, but the puzzles and puzzles within those puzzles. Also the main character is adorable.
I think the people who downvoted you don’t actually understand that this is really Malaysia being antisemitic. This is a country (my country, mind you) that has a term for the Jewish Agenda (Agenda Yahudi), and thought that the vaccines were haram because the Jews were purposely putting pork serum into it.
I’m against Israel as well, but you’d think people would have some nuance when discussing topics like these.
That’s fried rice, not white rice steamed or cooked in a rice cooker. I can imagine putting ketchup on a nigiri and immediately getting scolded in Japan.
Without him I’d have failed linear algebra
Me putting paper into the autoclave for the sake of the environment
Good God what happened then?
Does blood agar taste like blood?