Yeak ok. K thanks.
Yeak ok. K thanks.
Billionaires don’t do anything for free. Her hate speech is an investment in the platform to make more money. Her public opinions make her more money. Nobody is paying her to say it. But consider her stance an investment into more money.
I don’t know where people are getting the idea that I said anything about someone paying her to say this stuff.
“And we also know that there’s nothing you can ever do about it.”
Just another step to the Matrix.
She believes it, I mean that she is making big money off this.
She ain’t gonna do shit and Trump will never face any real consequences ever except from historians 30 years after the next Great War. After the last literal 11th hour reduced bailout it suddenly became all clarity and nihilistic wisdom to me. Trump has already destroyed America. It’s already too late.
My guess is $$$billionaire$$$ money is involved somewhere in this woven tale of bigotry. Nobody is doing this level of terf shit for free.
CSI type pop culture television has taught basically everyone on the planet that trace evidence always gets left behind and nobody can hide from DNA. Nowadays through genealogy they don’t even need a direct DNA match.
Oooo I’m saving this one to use one day!
Or how furniture stores always have 50% off, employee prices!