Netflix is still making money, and the cost of their tech is utterly dwarfed by the cost of creating and licensing content, so I’m not sure what your point is.
Netflix is still making money, and the cost of their tech is utterly dwarfed by the cost of creating and licensing content, so I’m not sure what your point is.
CCFL-lit LCDs are so inefficient compared to modern LED-lit LCDs that you’ve probably spent enough more on electricity by now to have bought a more efficient monitor.
I can’t speak to the environmental impact, though. Producing the new monitor emitted some amount of CO2, and powering each monitor takes some amount of CO2 per unit time. At some amount of use, the newer monitor will have lower lifetime CO2 generation than your old monitor.
The only option is to continue to vote for the least-bad candidates, and work to change the voting system such that a two party system is no longer inevitable.
DOCSIS 4.0 makes that a reality. Your connection will reallocate your available bandwidth between upload and download dynamically as needed.
The biggest benefit of DOCSIS 4.0 is the ability to dynamically reallocate bandwidth between upload and download.
Now if only we could figure out a way to actually do that without burning a bunch of fuel for the purpose of lifting fuel! Something something tyranny of rockets.
It’s overly optimistic to put a timeline on it, but I don’t see any reason why we won’t eventually create superhuman AGI. I doubt it’ll result in post-scarcity or public ownership of anything, though, because capitalism. The AGI would have to become significantly unaligned with its owners to favor any entity other than its owners, and the nature of such unalignment could be anywhere between “existence is pointless” and “CONSUME EVERYTHING!”