That we must comply with everybody’s whims and thus let men beat women in female categories of sports, allow doctors to maim kids just because they think they’re trans, and a lot of similar crap.
That we must comply with everybody’s whims and thus let men beat women in female categories of sports, allow doctors to maim kids just because they think they’re trans, and a lot of similar crap.
I actually am, but I don’t like the entire woke agenda nowadays.
Fair enough, but sometimes legislation is passed that makes deadnaming and misgendering illegal which it most definitely shouldn’t be.
No. While people have the freedom to call themselves whatever they want, I also reserve my own freedom to call them whatever the f*** I want. It works both ways. At least it should.
I think he was merely rebooting. It took him 20 seconds at one time.
Akshualy those are lesbians, because birds have XX for male and XY for female. 😅
Indeed, there’s nothing inherently exceptional in billionaires wealth hoarders, according to many studies of this phenomenon. They are literally just lucky enough that they managed to get their hands on such a ludicrous amount of money, they really aren’t anything special.
That will make me find the nest and neutralize it.
Yeah? I’ve been stung for literally no reason at least once (one little shit ran directly into me and stung me while I was painting my porch), otherwise a couple of times one of these little bastards got caught under my arm and it ‘defended’ itself due to its own stupidity. I hate wasps. I want to see them gone.
Yes! But for me it’s because of the awesome name.
But which is ‘before’ the number? We use arabic numbers so they’re actually reversed…
I used to be able to smell spiders when I was a kid. The spider web, to be exact. It has a quite specific but not unpleasant smell to it.
Akshually Chingis is much closer to the mongolian pronunciation. 😁
Well every bad things also causes some good.
Except false vacuum decay.
Still not the biggest a**hole in the solar system, that title goes to /u/spez.
R. J. MacReady, helicopter pilot, US outpost #31.
I should be able to call a man in dress a man, without any legal consequences. Snowflakes simply shouldn’t be able to terrorize others.