Today I feel like an expert
Today I feel like an expert
Pretty sure it’s called a Krustyburger with cheese
Can’t believe Celeste used child labour smh my head
I just want the Night in the Woods video, man
Last remaining Tory voters
Awww drive safe? You know that’s the man we done for speeding earlier!
I mean, umm, if you say I have to… 😳 I- I guess I have no choice. It’s not like I want to, or anything!
Couple boxes of lynx Africa set each year because it’s the cheapest one? Unimaginable
Torment executioners is a better name and I am using it forevermore
God I wish I was that penguin
“Being gay isn’t a choice, it’s a competition, and I’m winning.”
I played around with mine the last time my wifi was down, then accidentally got stuck with 7 pillows and a floral duvet cover. I couldn’t work out how to change it back, so I bought a new bed
You’re: “The most superficial commentator on con-langues since the idiotic B. Gilson.” ???
“I suppose you think that’s cute. What it makes you is a fraud.”
I fucking love you, Fallout New Vegas
It’s the plot to all of my aquarium visits
Beads? Bees!?
This place is not a place of honor. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here. Nothing valued is here.