Fix the court? The court is fixed!
Fix the court? The court is fixed!
Compiler error: missing ‘)’
Adding Bluetooth to a vacuum cleaner does make it suck more.
My Gen-X trait is I only book travel via a travel agent over the phone.
So is a loaded sports car more commonly associated with an American male’s midlife crisis.
My midlife crisis purchase is probably a $100k USD piano I can’t play very well when a $1000 digital would probably do just fine and not annoy the neighbors in adjacent apartments.
I have a 3.5 year gap on mine and used to dread this question. It came up during a second or third interview with a previous employer and the dread left as I answered honestly:
I was married to someone that was fortunate enough to have a lot of wealth and I didn’t need to work. During this time we traveled a good bit and I went back to school for a stint to study music theory. I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything in the world but, alas, the marriage didn’t work out and I had to go back to work. When reviewing my options I found a renewed sense of purpose in my career that transcends a simple means to pay my bills. I am very blessed to have had these opportunities and wish everyone was as fortunate.
Up voting for word usage.
Princess Pumpkin Patty-cake.
He’s being prosecuted for doing something illegal (allegedly) that wasn’t part of his official duties as President.
I keep one I bought on Amazon in my car. I park illegally and put my boot on to make them think they already got me.
A Love Supreme by John Coltrane. And in no way do I mean this as a dis for anything that followed. A masterpiece is simply just that.
I recommend Charmin Ultra Strong.
Terraform… Oh wait, Nevermind. I need to start switching to OpenTofu now.
Ext4 is the safe bet for a beginner. The real question is with or without LVM. Generally I would say with but that abstraction layer between the filesystem and disk can really be confusing if you’ve never dealt with it before. A total beginner should probably go ext4 without LVM and then play around in a VM with the various options to become informed enough to do something less vanilla.
They are both old; only one is a convicted felon.