“[…] this will only push me and other people like me out.”
I mean… Yeah… That IS kind of their whole point!?
“[…] this will only push me and other people like me out.”
I mean… Yeah… That IS kind of their whole point!?
I have the Fairphone form iode with their OS on it. Best phone I had so far and the System ist pretty much set up the way I like it out if the box.
I mean, the headline of this post already makes me irrationally angry. 😂
Y u no close brackets!?
Switching the launcher will almost do ZERO for your privacy. Just to let you know.
Anyhow, you could check out the “F-Droid” App Store, which is populated with the most privacy respecting open source apps out there. It also has some launchers.
Or you could at least check apps on Exodus for trackers.
Um das mal phonetisch zu schreiben: Es würd sich ungefähr wie “en dschinks” auf Deutsch anhören.
Only if you drink it in considerable amounts. Should be pretty fine for a bath though.
Don’t eat your bath salts. Don’t drink your bathwater.
As a general rule: Just don’t.
Heavy water - like water, just heavier.
This is really cool. You know who made this?
I mean META is actually doing this! #aBoringDystopia
You’re in good company. Germans have a similar relationship with their flag.
That’s a great guess when you try to answer the problem with traditional (Newtonian) physics. However, space and time do not behave in a way we would expect when we go nearly at light speed. So Newtonian laws do not apply in the same sense anymore.
Things get really unintuitive when you go near the speed of light. Einstein’s “Special Relativity” is describing that. Watch a couple of videos on the topic. It’s mindbending but seriously cool.
In short: The speed light is always constant FOR EVERY OBSERVER. That means, if you would hold a flashlight in a very fast moving train, the light would travel as the same speed for you as for a stationary person that is watching your flashlight from outside the train.
But how could that be? Aren’t you “adding” the trains speed to your flashlight? So shouldn’t the light in your train travel faster in your train? Or maybe slower? No. Light speed is always constant - but what is NOT constant is space and time. It is relative to the observer. Time and space can stretch/dilate to make up for what seems to be a paradox. E.g. your trains would shrink in length the faster you go. But it would look different to you than it does to an outside observer.
As I said, it’s mindbending, but there are a couple of cool and simple videos on the internet to get a better grasp on the matter.
I don’t quite get that one?!
The US is so intertwined with global politics and economy (e.g. financial markets, digital services, …) that it’s not just THEIR problem. If they drift further into fashism, oligarchy and right authoritarianism, sooner than later there will be a point where most of the world will be fucked in the short and possibly in the long term.
We need to fight this fight from our side as well, otherwise we all will go down. Our countries need to start pushing back against it and WE need to push our countries to do so. Write letters, go on protests, vote! Otherwise we might miss our window of opportunity to bring this spiral of destruction to a halt.
I can’t either … eat eggs anymore. 😇
Are people just downvoting because you’re vegan?
Probably. Some people are fragile. 🤷
if you’re vegan and in a band, which one do you talk about first?
As a vegan cyclist, I know the pain. 😜
And you are right. The topic is important to me, so tend to talk about it. 💚
Brother, really? Have you even seen one before? 🤔