What else would you supplement a terrible diet with?
Nobody drinks Lipton in the UK
You forgot poor
Oh yes!
If you have a big enough hard drive then you can install Linux alongside Windows. You will get that option when installing. When you boot, you will be able to choose…
Caveat, win11 requires secure boot which I haven’t dealt with, so you may have to research if that’s the case. There will be lots of info online though - it will depend upon your distro though
Can we assume that all vacuums are frictionless? Makes the math easier.
Ha. No worries. List of distributions…
I would try them out as either live usb tests or in virtual box first to see what tickles your fancy. In the mid to late 90’s I was using slack and Debian. Debian is generally used as a base in docker images for its stability, so getting to know that to get into herding containers can be a good thing.
Many others out there, that’s just a small list off the top of my head.
distrowatch used to be my go to when hunting fun distros.
Have fun!
Break shit!
Learn how to fix it (almost every catastrophe is recoverable)
Anything at all. I run on raspberry pis, old lenovo laptops, new gaming laptops, amd pc with 64 gig ram and nvidia 4070ti. Make a bootable usb and test it to see if you like it without installing to the drive (live mode), then if you want to make the plunge, install.
Install mint (cinnamon). Very easy to use for starting. Will make computers fun again. As for games. Most work fine but ymmv
Yup. Personally only use it for work. Linux all the way on all my machines
The point being that he paid for the software and he shouldn’t have to get around if
I’d prefer he exit via ~a swan drive~ being thrown into ~the orchestra~ an alligator pit rather than stage left.
Be the change you want to see, etc…
Feels like my old job.
How did you know my password?
Nightmare fuel, or back story for a superhero… idk.
And red. Don’t forget the copious amounts of red
I thought they meant Linux Mint, the Debian derivative. Very confused until I read the comments… perhaps I should read the article 😳
I game on Linux. Go check protondb for compatibility with your favourite game